Rassain is the bartender of the tavern in the Arceuus House in Great Kourend. He will explain that since the Arceuus House are inhabited mostly by spirits, there is no need for barstools and chairs, but mortals who visit here can use the beds on the top floor.
He does not serve any drinks, and instead states that he only serves spirits, a pun on how alcohol is sometimes referred to as spirits.
- Rassain: What can I do for you, traveller?
- Player: Can I have a beer, please?
- Rassain: I am afraid you cannot, traveller. I serve only spirits.
- Rassain: Now, can I offer you anything else?
- Remaining dialogue options are displayed.
- Player: What's with the furniture in this place?
- Rassain: Perhaps you refer to the lack of barstools and chairs. My customers have moved well beyond such trivial needs. However there are beds upstairs for the benefit of fleshy travellers.
- Rassain: Now, can I offer you anything?
- Remaining dialogue options are displayed.
- Player: Have you heard any rumours here?
- Rassain: No, it hasn't been very busy lately.
- Player: Nothing.