Old School RuneScape Wiki
This article is about raw lobster. For the cooked version, see Lobster.

Raw lobster detail

raw lobster is a type of fish which can be caught at level 40 Fishing with a lobster pot, resulting in 90 Fishing experience. The fish can be cooked at level 40 Cooking, yielding 120 Cooking experience.

They are a popular training method for both fishing and cooking.

Fishing locations[]

There are several fishing locations at which lobsters can be caught. The same spots always contain a harpoon spot for raw tuna and raw swordfish.




Tools/Utensils Lobster pot
Ingredients Raw lobster
Fishing icon Level 40
Fishing Method Caging
Fishing Spot Cage/Harpoon
Fishing icon Experience 90
Cooking icon Level 40
Level at which it stops burning 74 (64 with Cooking gauntlets at any range)
Cooking icon Experience 120
Range Only? No
Instructions Use raw lobster on a fire or a range.
Servings 1


Shop Location Default stock Price sold at Price bought at
Gerrant's Fishy Business Port Sarim 0 150 105

