The Temple Knights of Saradomin, a secret organisation founded many centuries ago by Saradomin himself, are currently looking to expand their ranks with some new blood.
After the successful thwarting of the Black Knights' plans to take over Asgarnia, and with the personal recommendation of Sir Amik, you have now been offered the chance to apply for membership in this organization... but are you up to the challenge?
Access to initiate armour. You will be given a sallet for free, and you can buy subsequent sallets for 6,000 coins, the cuisse for 8,000 coins, the hauberk for 10,000 coins, or the full set for 20,000 coins. It is aesthetically similar to white armour, yet has a gold trim.
The Gaze of Saradomin - When you die, you will have the option of returning to Falador instead of Lumbridge. Talk to Sir Tiffy Cashien to change your spawn point at any time.
If you were a male at the start of the quest, you'll be given your 3,000 coins back, as well as a free Makeover voucher to change back.