Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Rune chainbody detail

A rune chainbody is a chainbody made out of rune. To wear this chainbody, a player needs at least level 40 Defence. This piece of body armour is less resistant than the rune platebody in all stats except crush and magic and wearing it does not require completion of Dragon Slayer. For this reason it is commonly worn by players who have not finished said quest or who are fighting against enemies that use crush attacks. It is also useful for rangers since it has higher defence bonuses than the green d'hide body and it does not penalize ranged attack.

A player with 96 Smithing can make the chainbody by using three rune bars on an anvil, granting 225 Smithing experience. It can also be bought at Scavvo's Rune Store in the Champions' Guild, or for members, at Seddu's Adventurers' Store in Nardah.

Dropping monsters[]

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Kalphite Queen 333 1 2; Common
Obor 106 1 3; Uncommon
Kalphite Guardian 141 1 3; Uncommon
Gorak 145 1 3; Uncommon
Smoke devil 160 1 3; Uncommon
Deviant spectre 169 1 3; Uncommon
Thermonuclear smoke devil 301 1 3; Uncommon
Lizardman shaman 150 1 3; Uncommon
Abyssal demon 124 1 3; Uncommon
Black demon 172 1 4; Rare

Greater Nechryael
