Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki
Swamp lizardOrange salamanderRed salamanderBlack salamander
Primary type Slash
Secondary type Range
Tertiary type Magic
Speed Monster attack speed-random

Salamanders are unique and versatile two handed weapons that facilitate the training of all combat styles, namely the Ranged, Magic and Strength skills.

Salamanders may be obtained through net trapping and must be fuelled using a variety of herb-tars made with the Herblore skill. The black salamander is commonly used by players with a low budget to kill the Barrows brothers or to safe spot Lava dragons.

When using the Scorch (Slash) and Blaze (Magic) attack styles, the attack speed is 5. When using the Flare (Range) attack style, the attack speed is 6, which is similar in concept to the Rapid style of most Ranged weapons.

Combat styles[]

CombatStyles salamander Combat style Type Experience
Scorch Slash Strength and Hitpoints
Flare Range Ranged and Hitpoints
Blaze Magic Magic and Hitpoints


Strength icon

Ranged icon Magic icon

Hunter icon Salamander Ammunition
30 29 Swamp lizard Swamp lizard (Hunter) Guam tar Guam tar
50 47 Orange salamander Orange salamander (Hunter) Marrentill tar Marrentill tar
60 59 Red salamander Red salamander (Hunter) Tarromin tar Tarromin tar
70 67 Black salamander Black salamander (Hunter) Harralander tar Harralander tar


Item Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Other
White dagger White scimitar White warhammer Magic icon Ranged icon White dagger White scimitar White warhammer Magic icon Ranged icon Strength icon Ranged Strength icon Magic Damage icon Prayer icon
Swamp lizard Swamp lizard 0 +10 0 0 +20 0 0 0 0 0 +22 0 0% 0
Orange salamander Orange salamander 0 +19 0 0 +29 0 0 0 0 0 +31 0 0% 0
Red salamander Red salamander 0 +37 0 0 +47 0 0 0 0 0 +49 0 0% 0
Black salamander Black salamander 0 +59 0 0 +69 0 0 0 0 0 +71 0 0% 0