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Old School RuneScape Wiki

Uncharged Charged

Sanguinesti staff detail

The Sanguinesti staff is a trident-class magic weapon requiring 75 Magic to wield. Crafted by Lord Drakan himself and given to Verzik Vitur as a gift for her assistance in the Misthalin–Morytania War, it is only available as a rare drop from the Theatre of Blood.

The staff has a built-in magic spell that can be used regardless of the spellbook the player is using, although it cannot be used to autocast any other combat spells. The spell gives no base experience and grants the player 2 Magic experience per damage dealt.

In addition, the spell possesses a healing passive effect in which successful hits have a 1 in 6 chance of healing the wielder half the amount of hitpoints dealt to a target.

The spell cannot be used against other players in the Wilderness. The only way that the spell can be used against other players is during the Castle Wars and TzHaar Fight Pit minigames, as well as the Clan Wars minigame if the clan leaders enable it.

Sanguinesti staff spell

A player using the Sanguinesti staff's built in spell.

Combat styles[]

CombatStyles trident Combat style Experience Boosts
Accurate Magic and Hitpoints Accuracy and damage
Accurate Magic and Hitpoints Accuracy and damage
Longrange Magic, Hitpoints and Defence Attack range by 2 squares


In order to use the staff's magic spell, it must be charged with blood runes, holding up to 20,000 charges when fully charged. Each cast requires 3 blood runes, costing 1,101 coins per cast, and 22,020,000 coins to fully charge it with 60,000 blood runes.


Sanguinesti staff passive effect

A player activates the staff's passive effect.

Compared to the trident of the swamp, the built-in spell hits one damage higher with a maximum base damage of 34 compared to the trident of the swamp's 33. The trident possesses the ability to envenom, while the staff possesses the healing passive effect.

Thus, the staff is most optimal in situations where venom or poison has no benefit, and where healing is required. However, if the player's target is not immune to venom, players could initially use the trident of the swamp against the target until the target has been envenomed, then switch to the Sanguinesti staff. Notable encounters where the staff's healing capability proves very useful include the Kraken, the Chambers of Xeric and Dagannoth Rex.

Comparison between other magic weapons[]

Name Levels to equip Magic Attack bonus Notes
Kodai wand Kodai wand 75 Magic icon +28
  • Can autocast Ancient Magicks.
  • Provides unlimited water runes while equipped.
  • Boosts magic damage by 15%.
  • When a combat spell is cast with the staff, there is a 15% chance that the wand will negate the rune cost for that spell.
  • Currently offers the highest stat of any magic weapon in both magic attack and defence.
Sanguinesti staff Sanguinesti staff 75 Magic icon +25
  • Slightly stronger than the Trident of the swamp, with the same stats but able to hit one damage higher.
  • Requires 3Blood per charge of the built-in spell.
  • Built-in spell damage scales with the player's Magic level and can hit up to 32 at 99 Magic icon.
  • Has a 1 in 6 chance to heal the wielder by half the damage dealt.
  • Tied with the Toxic staff of the dead and Trident of the swamp for second-highest magic attack bonus.
Trident of the swamp Trident of the swamp 75 Magic icon +25
  • Has the same benefits as the Trident of the seas, but with +10 more magic attack bonus.
  • Requires 1Death1Chaos5Fire and 1 Zulrah scale (instead of coins) per charge of the built-in spell, and can hold up to 2500 charges.
  • Built-in spell damage scales with the player's Magic level and can hit up to 31 at 99 Magic icon.
  • Has 25% chance to inflict venom on the target.
  • Tied with the Sanguinesti staff and Toxic staff of the dead for second-highest magic attack bonus.
Toxic staff of the dead Toxic staff of the dead 75 Magic icon

75 Attack icon

  • Has the same benefits as the Staff of the dead, but with +8 more magic attack bonus.
  • Requires Zulrah's scales to recharge (up to 11000).
  • Has 25% chance to inflict venom on an opponent.
  • Tied with the Sanguinesti staff and Trident of the swamp for second-highest magic attack bonus.
Master wand Master wand 60 Magic icon +20
  • Can autocast Ancient Magicks.
  • Requires 240 Telekinetic, 240 Alchemist, 2400 Enchantment and 240 Graveyard points, and a teacher wand equipped or in the player's inventory, to purchase from the Mage Training Arena. Thus it does not cost much besides the time and runes spent in the Mage Training Arena.
Staff of light Staff of light 75 Magic icon

75 Attack icon

Staff of the dead Staff of the dead 75 Magic icon

75 Attack icon

  • Can autocast Flames of Zamorak and Magic Dart.
  • Boosts magic damage by 15%.
  • Has a special attack that halves all melee damage the player takes for one minute, which stacks with the PvP damage reduction effect of the Protect from Melee prayer. This consumes 100% of the player's special attack.
  • When a combat spell is cast with the staff, there is a 1/8 (12.5%) chance that the staff will negate the rune cost for that spell.
  • Currently the strongest staff when used as a melee weapon, surpassing the Ancient staff and Iban's staff, and provides +17 magic defence.
Trident of the seas Trident of the seas 75 Magic icon +15
  • Has its own built-in spell, requiring charges which cost 1Death1Chaos5Fire runes and 10 coins per cast. Can hold up to 2,500 charges.
  • Built-in spell damage scales with the player's Magic level and can hit up to 28 at 99 Magic icon.
  • Has a weapon speed of 6 (same as scimitars/whip), while all other forms of combat magic only have 5 (same as longswords).
  • Because the spell is built-in, the player does not need to carry its runes in their inventory and can use Lunar spells or Ancient Magicks while wielding this staff.
Smoke battlestaff animated Smoke battlestaff 30 Magic icon Attack icon (Battlestaff)

40 Magic icon Attack icon (Mystic)

Iban's staff Iban's staff 50 Magic icon

50 Attack icon

  • Only staff able to cast (and autocast) Iban Blast. Can cast this spell up to 120 (2,500 if upgraded) times before needing to be recharged.
  • Iban Blast has a max hit of 25.
  • Currently the third strongest staff when used as a melee weapon, behind the Ancient staff and the (Toxic) Staff of the dead.
Guthix staff

Saradomin staff Zamorak staff

God staves 60 Magic icon +6
  • Required to cast God spells.
  • Those who have 80 Magic icon and the respective God cape can use the Charge spell, which increases the God spell's damage by 50%.
Ancient staff Ancient staff 50 Magic icon

50 Attack icon

Slayer's staff Slayer's staff 50 Magic icon

55 Slayer icon

  • Can autocast Magic Dart and Crumble Undead, in addition to the four Wave spells.
  • Runes required to cast Magic Dart are very cheap compared to spells of a similar level.
  • Maximum hit of Magic Dart is 10 + (player's magic level / 10), rounded down.
Staff of air Staff of water

Staff of earth Staff of fire

Elemental staves 1 Magic icon (Basic)

30 Magic icon Attack icon (Battlestaff)

40 Magic icon Attack icon (Mystic)

  • Provide unlimited runes of their respective elements.
  • However, they have a slower attack speed than better staves (3 seconds per cast instead of 2.4)

Concept art[]
