The sinister key is used to open the sinister chest in the Yanille Agility dungeon. The Sinister chest contains nine noted grimy herbs: 2 Harralander, 3 Ranarr, 1 Irit, 1 Avantoe, 1 Kwuarm, and 1 Torstol. The sinister key is dropped by Salarin the twisted and the Chaos Fanatic and can also be looted from a Magpie impling.
The value of the sinister key is linked to the value of the herbs contained in the sinister chest. Buying a key and opening the chest will profit you 2,248
Dropping monsters[]
Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity Salarin the twisted 70 1 Uncommon Chaos Fanatic 202 1 Uncommon Magpie impling N/A (Hunter) 1 Rare