Skeleton Mages are monsters found in some of the more troubled areas of RuneScape. They both make use of Magic to attack. Thus, it is recommended to wear magic-resistant armour such as dragonhide armour. They play a role in the Swan Song quest, where the player creates an army of them to help defeat the sea trolls.
Level 16 mages usually attack with melee and will occasionally cast a spell, exclaiming "I infect your body with rot..." that resembles Weaken as a projectile and Curse when it lands successfully. If successful, it will lower the player's Attack, Strength and Defence stats by 4 levels.
Level 83 mages cast fire spells, and will sometimes use the Vulnerability spell on a player.
Malignius Mortifer will occasionally spawn a non-attackable skeleton mage, which follows him around for a while before disappearing. After completing the Swan Song quest, these skeleton mages can be spawned by the player using bone seeds. Players can give an airtight pot to Malignius Mortifer to receive more bone seeds. When they open the pot they receive, a skeleton mage appears, performs a random emote, and falls apart.

A player opening a bone seeds in a pot, summoning a skeleton mage which then performs the bow emote.
- Piscatoris Fishing Colony
- Waterfall Dungeon
- South of Falador (Unattackable, occasionally called up by Malignius Mortifer)
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Ashes 1 Always 72
Weapons and armour[]
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Pink skirt 1 Common 108 Battlestaff 1 Rare 8,161
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Mind rune 7–9 Common 21–27 Chaos rune 2–4 Uncommon 178–356 Law rune 2–3 Uncommon 332–498 Nature rune 1–3 Rare 217–651
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Grimy guam leaf 1 Uncommon 15 Grimy marrentill 1 Uncommon 13 Grimy harralander 1 Rare 674 Grimy tarromin 1 Rare 132 Grimy irit leaf 1 Rare 775 Grimy avantoe 1 Very rare 1,814 Grimy kwuarm 1 Very rare 1,165 Grimy cadantine 1 Very rare 1,312 Grimy lantadyme 1 Very rare 1,391 Grimy ranarr weed 1 Very rare 7,640 Grimy dwarf weed 1 Very rare 448
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 2–434 Common Not sold Uncut opal 1 Common 137 Pot of flour 1 (noted) Common 211 Iron bar 1–2 Uncommon 192–384 Big bones 3–4 Rare 786–1,048
Rare drop table
In addition to the drops above, this monster also has access to the rare drop table.
Show/hide rare drop table Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 3,000 Common Not sold Loop half of key 1 Common 10,307 Tooth half of key 1 Common 10,840 Chaos talisman 1 Common 505 Uncut sapphire 1 Common 455 Uncut emerald 1 Uncommon 679 Uncut ruby 1 Uncommon 1,249 Nature talisman 1 Uncommon 744 Steel arrow 150 Uncommon 4,800 Rune arrow 42 Uncommon 2,940 Rune javelin 5 Uncommon 875 Adamant javelin 20 Uncommon 1,220 Runite bar 1 Uncommon 12,368 Nature rune 67 Uncommon 14,539 Law rune 45 Uncommon 7,470 Death rune 45 Uncommon 9,135 Rune battleaxe 1 Uncommon 24,487 Rune 2h sword 1 Uncommon 37,758 Rune sq shield 1 Uncommon 22,459 Silver ore 100 (noted) Uncommon 7,000 Dragonstone 1 Uncommon 11,932 Uncut diamond 1 Rare 2,627 Dragon med helm 1 Rare 58,488 Rune kiteshield 1 Rare 32,015 Rune spear 1 Rare 11,933 Shield left half 1 Rare 65,697 Dragon spear 1 Rare 37,226
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