Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Special seed refers to a seed which must be grown in a specific patch with the Farming skill. They are planted in their own patch by using one seed on the patch. Watering is not needed when planting these seeds.

List of special seeds[]

Level Seed Protection Growth time[1] Experience Uses
Farmer Plant Check-health Harvest Total
23 Seaweed spore 5
Seaweed spore
Numulite × 200
7 × 5 mins 19 N/A 21 40[2]
35 Teak seed 5
Teak seed
Limpwurt root
Limpwurt root × 15
8 × 560 mins 25 7,290 N/A 7,315
36 Grape seed 5
Grape seed
Free 5 × 8 mins 31.5 625 40 120[3]
  • Cooking ingredient
53 Mushroom spore 5
Bittercap mushroom spore
N/A 6 × 40 mins 61.5 N/A 57.7 407.7[4]
55 Mahogany seed 5
Mahogany seed
Yanillian hops
Yanillian hops × 25
8 × 640 mins 63 15,720 N/A 15,783
55 Cactus seed 5
Cactus seed
Cadava berries
Cadava berries × 6
7 × 80 mins 66.5 374 25 515.5[5] Weapon poison+ ingredient
63 Belladonna seed 5
Belladonna seed
N/A 4 × 80 mins 91 N/A 512 603[6] Weapon poison++ ingredient
72 Calquat tree seed 5
Calquat tree seed
Poison ivy berries
Poison ivy berries × 8
8 × 160 mins 129.5 12096 48.5 12516.5[7]
83 Spirit seed 5
Spirit seed[8]
Monkey nuts
Monkey nuts × 5
Monkey bar
Monkey bar × 1
Ground tooth
Ground tooth × 1
11 × 320 mins 199.5 19301.8 N/A 19501.3 Spirit tree network
  1. N × X mins means the crop will grow one stage for each X minutes. This happens N times until it is fully grown.
  2. 6-53 giant seaweeds are harvested per patch.
  3. 3-16 grapes are harvested depending on farming level.
  4. 6 Bittercap mushrooms are harvested at a time.
  5. Assume 3 Cactus spines are harvested.
  6. 1 Cave nightshade is harvested at a time.
  7. Assume 6 Calquat fruit is harvested.
  8. Only 1 spirit tree can be planted at 83 Farming. 2 can be planted at level 91 Farming, or 3 at level 99 Farming.
