Old School RuneScape Wiki

NPC Slayer master

Steve chathead

Steve is an NPC located by the steps in the upper level of the Skeletal Wyvern area in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. If players attempt to attack the skeletal wyverns in the upper area, he will stop them from doing so, claiming the upper area is only for those who have skeletal wyverns as a Slayer assignment. He wields a steel mace, an elemental shield, and a set of Bandos armour.

He is the father of Weve and the little cousin of Nieve, who is the Slayer master next to the entrance of the Stronghold Slayer Cave. He believes that Slayer masters, and thus Nieve, have nothing special about them, because all they do is "tell people to kill stuff."

Through speaking to him, it is clear he is envious of his cousin, due to her having a large cavern where she can "boss people around" (referencing to what happens if players attack a monster within the cave that they're not assigned to kill). Because of this, he decided to carve some steps in the skeletal wyvern area in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon and claimed the upper area as his own.

During the events Monkey Madness II, when the player recruits Nieve to defend the Tree Gnome Stronghold from Glough's attack, Steve leaves his post to replace Nieve. After hearing of her death, he still stays as a Slayer master, and is now equipped with a Zamorakian hasta. His little sister, Pieve, watches over the extra skeletal wyverns. Talking to him about Nieve's death will result in somewhat humorous dialogue where he was hoping to have a shield like hers when he took the job.

Treasure Trails[]

Steve is the solution to the medium anagram clue: VESTE The answer to his challenge question: How many farming patches are there in Gnome stronghold? is 2.

Slayer points[]

Players can receive Slayer reward points for completing Slayer tasks—this is based on how many tasks players have accomplished in a row. Completion of a task assigned by Steve will grant you:

  • 12 Slayer points for every normal task
  • 60 for every 10th
  • 180 for every 50th
  • 300 for every 100th
  • 420 for every 250th
  • 600 for every 1,000th

Completing all of the elite tasks in the Western Provinces Diary will increase the Slayer points awarded by Steve to match those of Duradel (15 per task, 75 per 10th, 225 per 50th, 375 per 100th, 525 per 250th, and 750 per 1,000th).

Useful fairy ring codes[]


Monster Name Amount Combat Level Slayer Exp Slayer Level Location Task weight
Aberrant spectre 120-185 96 90 60 Slayer Tower (1st floor[?]), Stronghold Slayer Cave 6
Abyssal demon 120-185 124 150 85 Slayer Tower, Abyssal Area, Catacombs of Kourend 9
Adamant dragon[1] 3-7 338 325 1 Lithkren Vault 2
Ankou 50-90 75, 82, 86 70 1 Stronghold of Security (4th level), Stronghold Slayer Cave, Catacombs of Kourend, The Forgotten Cemetery 5
Aviansie[2] 120-200 69, 71, 83, 89, 131 70-139 1 God Wars Dungeon, Wilderness God Wars Dungeon 6
Black demon 120-185 172 157.5 1 Edgeville Dungeon (in the Wilderness section), Taverley Dungeon, Brimhaven Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend, Chasm of Fire 9
Black dragon 10-40 227 199.4 1 Taverley Dungeon, Evil Chicken's Lair, Lava Maze Dungeon 6
Bloodveld 120-185 76, 81 120 50 Slayer Tower, God Wars Dungeon, Stronghold Slayer Cave 9
Blue dragon 120-185 48, 111 50, 107.5 1 Taverley Dungeon, Heroes' Guild, Ogre Enclave 4
Boss[3][4] 3-35 Varies 5,000 None Varies 8
Brine rat 120-200 70 50 47 Brine Rat Cavern 3
Cave horror[5] 120-185 80 55 58 Mos Le'Harmless Caves 5
Cave kraken 100-125 127 125 87 Kraken Cove 6
Dagannoth[6] 120-185 74, 88, 90, 92, 303 70, 120 1 Lighthouse, Waterbirth Island Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend 8
Dark beast[7] 10-20 182 220 90 Mourner Tunnels, Catacombs of Kourend 5
Dust devil[8] 120-185 93, 110 105 65 Smoke Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend 6
Elves[9] 60-90 90, 108 107.5 1 Elf Camp, Lletya, Mourner Tunnels 4
Fire giant 120-190 86 111 1 Waterfall Dungeon, Smoke Dungeon, Brimhaven Dungeon, Stronghold Slayer Cave, Catacombs of Kourend, Deep Wilderness Dungeon 9
Fossil Island Wyvern[10] 20-60 139, 147, 152, 210 205 (spitting, taloned, long-tailed), 315 (ancient) 66 (spitting, taloned, long-tailed), 82 (ancient) Wyvern Cave 5
Gargoyle 120-185 111 105 75 Slayer Tower 6
Greater demon 120-185 92 87 1 Brimhaven Dungeon, Demonic Ruins, Lava Maze Dungeon, Entrana Dungeon, Ogre Enclave, Catacombs of Kourend, Chasm of Fire 7
Hellhound 120-185 122 116 1 Taverley Dungeon, Witchaven Dungeon, God Wars Dungeon, Stronghold Slayer Cave, Catacombs of Kourend, Wilderness Resource Area (surrounding area) 8
Iron dragon 25-60 189 173.2 1 Brimhaven Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend 5
Kalphites 120-185 28, 85, 141 40, 90, 170 1 Kalphite Lair, Kalphite Cave 9
Kurask 120-185 106 97 70 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon 3
Lizardmen[11][12] 90-120 53, 62, 73, 150 Varies 1 Lizardman Canyon, Lizardman Settlement 8
Mithril dragon[13] 4-9 304 273 1 Ancient Cavern 5
Nechryael 120-185 115 105 80 Slayer Tower, Catacombs of Kourend 7
Red dragon[14] 30-80 152 143 1 Brimhaven Dungeon 5
Rune dragon[1] 3-6 380 330 1 Lithkren Vault 2
Scabarites[15] 30-60 90-100 Varies 1 Sophanem Dungeon 4
Skeletal Wyvern 3-70 140 210 72 Asgarnian Ice Dungeon 5
Smoke devil 110-185 160 185 93 Smoke Devil Dungeon 7
Spiritual creatures[16] 120-241 Varies Varies 63 (rangers), 68 (warriors), 83 (mages) God Wars Dungeon, Wilderness God Wars Dungeon 6
Steel dragon 30-110 246 220.4 1 Brimhaven Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend 5
Suqah[17] 130-185 111 107.5 1 Lunar Isle 8
Troll 120-185 69, 71, 113 90, 150.5 1 Death Plateau, Rellekka (in a cave near to the entrance to Keldagrim), Troll Stronghold (west of Trollheim), Trollweiss Mountain, Jatizso, Neitiznot 6
Turoth 120-185 83, 85, 87, 89 76, 77, 81 55 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon 3
TzHaar[18] 130-200 22, 32, 45, 74, 85, 90, 103, 108, 133, 141, 149, 165, 180, 240, 250, 360, 370, 490, 702[19], 900, 1400[20] 10, 20, 40, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 25,000[19], 100,000[20] 1 Mor Ul Rek, TzHaar Fight Cave, Inferno 10
Zygomite[21] 10-25 74, 86, 109 65, 75, 154 57 Zanaris, Mushroom Forest (ancient) 2
  1. 1.0 1.1 Completion of Dragon Slayer II is required to receive these as a task.
  2. Only assigned to players who have unlocked the Watch the birdy ability via spending 80 Slayer reward points.
  3. Only assigned to players who have unlocked the Like a boss ability via spending 200 Slayer reward points
  4. The odds of getting a specific task from the boss category is much smaller than getting a normal task, since there are two rolls for that task: one roll for the boss task, and one roll for the specific task within the boss category.
  5. Completion of Cabin Fever is required to receive these as a task.
  6. Completion of Horror from the Deep is required to receive these as a task.
  7. Starting Mourning's Ends Part II is required to receive these as a task.
  8. Starting the Desert Treasure quest is required to receive these as a task in order to access Smokey Well.
  9. Starting Regicide is required to receive these as a task.
  10. Completion of Bone Voyage is required to receive these as a task.
  11. Only after paying 75 Slayer points to toggle on the ability to be assigned them, in addition to gaining at least 5% favour with the Shayzien House. No favour is required for killing them in the Lizardman Settlement.
  12. For lizardman shamans, 100% favour with the Shayzien House is required, but no favour is required for killing them in the Lizardman Settlement.
  13. Only after paying 80 Slayer points to toggle on the ability to be assigned them. Also requires partial completion of Barbarian Training.
  14. Only after paying 50 Slayer points to toggle on the ability to be assigned them.
  15. Completion of Contact! is required to receive these as a task.
  16. Completion of Death Plateau, in addition to level 60 in Strength or Agility, is required to receive these as a task.
  17. Partial completion of Lunar Diplomacy is required to receive these as a task.
  18. Only after paying 100 Slayer reward points to toggle on the ability to be assigned them.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Players may be given a chance to slay TzTok-Jad, giving 25,000 bonus Slayer experience as well as any experience gained throughout the cave.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Players may be given a chance to slay TzKal-Zuk, provided they have already killed it once before, giving 100,000 bonus Slayer experience as well as any experience gained throughout the Inferno.
  21. Completion of Lost City is required to receive these as a task.

Increased task numbers[]

Unlocking abilities to increase your task numbers for certain Slayer monsters can be done by spending Slayer reward points from any Slayer master.

