Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Taxidermist chathead

The taxidermist in Canifis can skin and stuff special creatures for you, giving you the possibility of mounting them in your house. These special items are things like big fish that can be caught rarely while Fishing or the heads of Slayer monsters randomly dropped while fighting their respective monsters.

Item Cost
Big bass Big bass 1,000 coins
Crawling hand Crawling hand 1,000 coins
Cockatrice head Cockatrice head 2,000 coins
Big swordfish Big swordfish 2,500 coins
Basilisk head Basilisk head 4,000 coins
Big shark Big shark 5,000 coins
Kurask head Kurask head 6,000 coins
Abyssal head Abyssal demon head 12,000 coins
Kbd heads King Black Dragon heads 50,000 coins
Kq head Kalphite Queen head 50,000 coins
Vorkath's head Vorkath's head 50,000 coins
