Old School RuneScape Wiki
Instruction manual
This quest has a quick guide found here.
It briefly summarises the steps needed to complete the quest.

The Corsair Curse is a Link to free-to-play free-to-play Link to Quests quest which was announced on the 23rd of September 2017 as part of the Dragon Slayer II poll. It was released on the 7th of December 2017 as part of a teaser update for Link to Dragon Slayer II Dragon Slayer II.


Start point Speak to Captain Tock at the crossroads north of Port Sarim. Speak to Captain Tock at the crossroads north of Port Sarim.
Official difficulty Novice
Description From the newly revealed town of Corsair Cove, deep in the south of Feldip Hills, the captain of the Corsairs has sailed to Port Sarim seeking help. His crew is sick, and he suspects that a curse has been laid upon them.

If you can unravel the fearful and conflicting tales of ogre relics, vengeful mermaids and demonic possession, maybe you can help his ailing crew overcome The Corsair Curse.

Length Short
Requirements None
Items required


Enemies to defeat Ithoi the Navigator (level 35)

The cursed crew[]

Captain Tock chathead

Speak to Chat head image of Captain Tock, File:Captain Tock chathead Captain Tock at the crossroads just north of Link to Port Sarim Port Sarim. He will tell you that his crew of Corsairs has been inflicted with a curse and asks for your help. After you agree to help him, a brief cut scene will show you where you can find the boat (the ship is located off the pier west of Rimmington). Speak to Captain Tock again to sail to Link to Corsair Cove Corsair Cove.

There are four crew members to speak to: Chat head image of Arsen the Thief, File:Arsen the Thief chathead Arsen the Thief, Chat head image of Cabin Boy Colin, File:Cabin Boy Colin chathead Cabin Boy Colin, Chat head image of Gnocci the Cook, File:Gnocci the Cook chathead Gnocci the Cook, and Chat head image of Ithoi the Navigator, File:Ithoi the Navigator chathead Ithoi the Navigator. Arsen and Colin are upstairs in the large hut immediately west of the dock and Gnocci is in the smaller hut slightly further to the west. Talk to any one of them and they will tell you they think they are cursed and that you should consult Ithoi, who is located in the large hut southwest of Corsair Cove (refer to the map for their exact locations).

The Corsair Curse quest map

A map of all the important locations visited during the quest.

If you haven't obtained a Item image of %7B%7B%3Aspade%7D%7D, File:spade spade and Item image of %7B%7B%3Atinderbox%7D%7D, File:tinderbox tinderbox already, a tinderbox can be found beside Gnocci the Cook and a spade can be found planted in the sand under the big Tropical Tree south-east of Gnocci the Cook's hut, near the rocks (does not appear as a red dot in mini map). NOTE: The bank will not be accessible until this quest is completed.

Visit Ithoi in his hut. He will also claim it is a curse and that there are many things that can cause them.

Investigate what may have caused the curse by speaking to Arsen, Colin, and Gnocci in any order; each will tell you they caused the curse with various events that occurred to each respectfully. Each crew member's claim will need to be investigated further.

Arsen's "curse"[]

Arsen the Thief chathead

Chat head image of Arsen the Thief, File:Arsen the Thief chathead Arsen the Thief was asked by Chat head image of Captain Tock, File:Captain Tock chathead Captain Tock to explore some caves west of the cove. He was immediately spotted by the ogres as he climbed down, and in a panic, grabbed some loot and quickly escaped. He believes he may have stolen a sacred relic and the shamans have cursed his crew for stealing it.

Speak to Captain Tock located on the ship and ask him for the relic. As he has no use for it, he gives you the Item image of %7B%7B%3AOgre+artefact+%28The+Corsair+Curse%29%7D%7D, File:Ogre artefact (The Corsair Curse) ogre artefact.

Head west of the cove and down the hole into the Link to Corsair Cove Dungeon Corsair Cove Dungeon. Speak to Chat head image of Chief Tess, File:Chief Tess chathead Chief Tess. She will tell you that he simply grabbed one of her many tooth-picks and that her shamans have not cursed the crew.

Return to Arsen to explain what actually happened. Arsen is assured that the curse was not his fault.

Colin's "curse"[]

Cabin Boy Colin chathead
The Corsair Curse - Colin sees a mermaid

Colin sees a mermaid through Ithoi's telescope.

Chat head image of Cabin Boy Colin, File:Cabin Boy Colin chathead Cabin Boy Colin believes he may have offended a mermaid after he saw one using Ithoi's telescope. He thinks perhaps the mermaid didn't like strangers shouting about her appearance and blowing kisses at her and she cursed the crew as a result.

Use the telescope in Ithoi's hut and discover that the mermaid Colin was referring to is an Ogre ogre called Chat head image of Bugs, File:Bugs chathead Bugs. If you have completed Rantz chathead Big Chompy Bird Hunting, you will recognise him as Chat head image of Rantz, File:Rantz chathead Rantz's son.

Return to Colin to explain what actually happened. Colin is assured that the curse was not his fault.

Gnocci's "curse"[]

Gnocci the Cook chathead
The Corsair Curse - possessed doll location

Dig here to find the Demonic Doll

Chat head image of Gnocci the Cook, File:Gnocci the Cook chathead Gnocci the Cook will tell you that while fishing for food, he discovered "Her", a doll possessed by a demon, and buried it next to the tree where he was fishing. He believes that this demon cursed the crew and asks you to kill it.

Dig by the lump of sand to the west of Ithoi's hut where he buried the doll during the cutscene. You will discover it is a clockwork Item image of %7B%7B%3Atoy+doll%7D%7D, File:toy doll toy doll. If you have at least level 18 Skill icon of Crafting, File:Crafting icon Crafting, you will also say that you know how to make a doll just like it.

Return to Gnocci to explain what actually happened. Gnocci is assured that the curse was not his fault.

Traitor in the midst[]

After debunking Chat head image of Arsen the Thief, File:Arsen the Thief chathead Arsen, Chat head image of Cabin Boy Colin, File:Cabin Boy Colin chathead Colin, and Chat head image of Gnocci the Cook, File:Gnocci the Cook chathead Gnocci's "curses", return to Chat head image of Captain Tock, File:Captain Tock chathead Captain Tock on the boat. He will explain to you that the curse began when he and Chat head image of Ithoi the Navigator, File:Ithoi the Navigator chathead Ithoi went away for a parlay and returned to find their crew sickly after eating dinner, with Ithoi shortly falling ill as well. As Ithoi was with Captain Tock at the time, he rules out the food as the cause of the curse.

Speak to Gnocci. You discover that he didn't cook dinner that night, as he was still traumatised from the "possessed" doll. He tells you that Ithoi cooked dinner that night instead before leaving for his parlay with Captain Tock. He will also rule out the food as the cause of the curse.

Next, speak to Arsen. He will reveal that his brother, Francois Francois, told him that Ithoi may be dismissed from Tock's crew, as they have settled in the Cove and no longer need a navigator.

Now, speak to Ithoi. Tell him that you heard of him cooking the meal that made the crew sick. He will believe you are accusing him of poisoning his crew and asks why you would think so. Tell him it is because the Captain is thinking of firing him and he will confess to the crime. With the crew believing they were cursed, they would want Ithoi to stay on the crew.

The Corsair Curse - Ithoi extinguishes fire

Ithoi runs out to extinguish your fire, proving that he is faking the curse.

Speak to Ithoi again and tell him you know the curse is fake. He will tell you he will not get up thus being unable to prove he is faking his illness. Leave the hut and use the Item image of %7B%7B%3Atinderbox%7D%7D, File:tinderbox tinderbox on the driftwood beneath Ithoi's hut. Ithoi will get up and run outside to douse the flame with magic.

Fighting Ithoi the Navigator

The player confronts Ithoi.

Return to Chat head image of Captain Tock, File:Captain Tock chathead Captain Tock, and tell him Ithoi is behind the curse. Outraged, he will ask you to kill him.

Return to Ithoi's hut and he will attack you immediately. He is level 35 and uses elemental Link to strike spells strike spells. He can also use the Link to Curse Curse spell. Lower levelled players should prepare for this fight, although he does splash quite often. NOTE: This fight is instanced and any items lost on death will be permanently gone.

After killing Ithoi, leave his hut and return to Captain Tock. Captain Tock will ask what is happening now. Explain to him that Ithoi was killed for poisoning his crew. He will thank you and allow the crew members to rest and get better. He will also mention that he will speak to Chat head image of Yusuf, File:Yusuf chathead Yusuf, located in the bank north of the ship, allowing access to bank on the cove.

Congratulations, quest complete!


The Corsair Curse reward scroll


  • During the cutscene of Gnocci the Cook fishing for lobsters, he chants "Obby-lobby Obby-lobby oi oi oi". This is a reference to "Zicke Zacke Zicke Zacke, Oi, Oi, Oi!", which is the ending to a song called "Ein Prosit," a traditional German toast to health and well-being. This chant is also used frequently on "The Man Show" before the hosts toast and drink their beer.
  • When returning to Captain Tock after speaking to the crew and debunking their theories. Captain Tock says, "Arr, any sufficiently advanced technology be indistinguishable from demonic possession, that it be." This is a reference to Clarke's three laws in which the 3rd law states "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  • Captain Tock used to appear as a red dot on the mini map while aboard the ship. This bug has been fixed and he will now appear as a yellow NPC dot.
  • When the quest is completed, Captain Tock will be replaced by Cabin Boy Colin with the option to travel between Corsair Cove and Port Sarim.