Old School RuneScape Wiki
Instruction manual
This quest has a quick guide found here.
It briefly summarises the steps needed to complete the quest.


Start point Talk to Mord Gunnars in northern Rellekka. Talk to Mord Gunnars in northern Rellekka.
Official difficulty Experienced
Description Sibling rivalry can get messy - more so when the siblings are Fremennik princes with a point to prove. The islands of Jatizso and Neitiznot were set up by two brothers who hated each other, and they have been at loggerheads ever since. But now there is a new threat from trolls in the north...

Can you prove your loyalty to both brothers and save the islanders from a fate as troll food? Your skills as a Fremennik warrior, a bridge builder and... a jester will be tested on the islands.

Length Long
Items required


Enemies to defeat


Before you begin, it's worthwhile to know a few things beforehand: the final boss is a relatively simple fight in which you are given more than enough supplies to defeat, including two Prayer potion(1) prayer potions, and several Strength potion(1) strength potions that raise your Skill icon of Strength, File:Strength icon Strength by 10. You will likely only use one prayer potion killing the 10 trolls before the fight. It is recommended you bring and have Link to Yak-hide armour yak armour and your Item image of %7B%7B%3AFremennik+shield+%28The+Fremennik+Isles%29%7D%7D, File:Fremennik shield (The Fremennik Isles) shield equipped before you begin and at all times, as repairing one of the bridges can be dangerous, and running to the eastern side of the northern-most island can be fatal without these items. The quest is also relatively short if you gather all the items beforehand, and you'll likely only need 5-6 good Link to food food prior to the boss.

Area overview[]

The Fremennik Isles are a collection of islands interconnected by bridges. The map below shows the islands and their interconnections. There are two major villages on the islands: Link to Neitiznot Neitiznot and Link to Jatizso Jatizso.

The teleport locations show the landing docks that can be reached from the most northern dock in Link to Rellekka Rellekka using the appropriate ferry operator.

The numbers on the map represent the following locations relevant during the quest:

The Fremennik Isles quest map

Quest map

  1. The court of Chat head image of King Gjuki Sorvott IV, File:King Gjuki Sorvott IV chathead King Gjuki Sorvott IV.
  2. The court of Chat head image of Mawnis Burowgar, File:Mawnis Burowgar chathead King Mawnis Burowgar.
  3. A bridge that needs repairs.
  4. Another bridge that needs repairs.
  5. Entrance to the Link to Ice Troll Caves Ice Troll Caves for the final battle.
Warning: Do not go to the northern islands without Link to food food, or you may die.

Both villages have a bank that can be used.

At any time during the quest, it is possible to travel around all islands.

Note: If you are simply starting this quest for access to Neitiznot bring a Item image of %7B%7B%3Araw+tuna%7D%7D, File:raw tuna raw tuna and 8 Item image of %7B%7B%3Atin+ore%7D%7D, File:tin ore tin ores if Skill icon of Mining, File:Mining icon Mining level 1-9, 7 pieces of Item image of %7B%7B%3Acoal%7D%7D, File:coal coal if mining level 10-54, 6 Item image of %7B%7B%3Amithril+ore%7D%7D, File:mithril ore mithril ores if 55+ and speak to King Gjuki Sorvott IV.

King Gjuki Sorvott IV[]

Items needed for this part of the quest: raw tuna, 8 tin ores, 7 pieces of coal, or 6 mithril ores (ores can be noted).

The Fremennik Isles - Jatizso court

King Sorvott's court

To start the quest, talk to Chat head image of Mord Gunnars, File:Mord Gunnars chathead Mord Gunnars at the most northern dock in Link to Rellekka Rellekka to be taken to Link to Jatizso Jatizso.

Talk to Chat head image of King Gjuki Sorvott IV, File:King Gjuki Sorvott IV chathead King Gjuki Sorvott IV in the checkered floor room. His Chat head image of HRH Hrafn, File:HRH Hrafn chathead cat will intervene. The king asks you to get the cat a Item image of %7B%7B%3Araw+tuna%7D%7D, File:raw tuna raw tuna.

Note: The tuna can be fished just south on the pier or bought in the store just to the northeast of the king (pot icon on minimap).

Give the tuna to the king's cat, and talk to the king.

Give the king the Link to Mining#Mineable_items ores you are assigned (8 Item image of %7B%7B%3ATin+ore%7D%7D, File:Tin ore tin 1-9, 7 pieces of Item image of %7B%7B%3Acoal%7D%7D, File:coal coal if 10-54, 6 Item image of %7B%7B%3AMithril+ore%7D%7D, File:Mithril ore mithril if 55+). If needed, these ores can be mined at Link to Jatizso mine the cave below the village. It is accessible by exiting the west gate and going northeast. Enter the dungeon, and mine the ores. Coal ore also can be bought from Chat head image of Hring Hring, File:Hring Hring chathead Hring Hring. The king's reward for the ores consists of some Coins 1 coins.

Take the jester clothes from the chest behind the king's throne.

From Rellekka, travel to Link to Neitiznot Neitiznot using the ferry operated by Mord's wife, Chat head image of Maria Gunnars, File:Maria Gunnars chathead Maria. Maria can be found on the north eastern dock in Rellekka along with Mord Gunnars.

King Mawnis Burowgar[]

Items needed for this part of the quest: Silly jester costume

Talk to Chat head image of Slug Hemligssen, File:Slug Hemligssen chathead Slug Hemligssen, behind the bank, and say, "Free stuff please." He'll give the assignment to listen in only while wearing the Link to Silly jester costume jester outfit.

FI jester controls

The player entertaining the Burgher.

Talk to Chat head image of Mawnis Burowgar, File:Mawnis Burowgar chathead Mawnis Burowgar in the building just south of the bank while wearing the jester costume and entertain him—do everything he says using the jester control panel shown in the picture. Keep an eye on the guards exchange:

When do we assault the caves?
In two days.
Good. How many recruits are ready?
Seventeen so far.
More shields are completed by noon.
And the armour?
I will finish their armour by tomorrow.
And the two bridges we need repaired.
I will fix them as soon as I can.

Back to Slug, and answer his questions. The answers are:

  1. 2 days
  2. 17 militia
  3. 2 bridges

Head back to Mawnis Burowgar, without the jester costume this time.

Bridge repairs[]

Items needed: 8 ropes, an axe and 8 arctic pine logs (the logs can be obtained during this part) or 8 split logs, a knife, armour, and food.

Give Chat head image of Mawnis Burowgar, File:Mawnis Burowgar chathead Mawnis Burowgar eight Item image of %7B%7B%3Arope%7D%7D, File:rope ropes, and receive them back with 1,000 Coins 1 coins. When missing ropes, go kill some Yak yaks, and take the Item image of %7B%7B%3Ahair%7D%7D, File:hair hair drop to the Link to spinning wheel spinning wheel in the village to obtain a rope.

Go and cut eight Item image of %7B%7B%3Aarctic+pine+logs%7D%7D, File:arctic pine logs arctic pine logs, and split them in the stump in the middle of the village.

Note: If you do not have 56 Skill icon of Woodcutting, File:Woodcutting icon Woodcutting to split these logs, you may buy them off other players, and it will still allow you to continue the quest.

Tell Mawnis and receive another 1,500 coins.

Speak to the guard Chat head image of Thakkrad Sigmundson, File:Thakkrad Sigmundson chathead Thakkrad Sigmundson, and you will be able to repair the bridges.

Warning: Be warned; you may be attacked by high-level, hard-hitting trolls in the next step. Bring Link to food food/Link to armour armour if necessary.
The Fremennik Isles reparing bridge

Repairing the bridge.

Get a Item image of %7B%7B%3Aknife%7D%7D, File:knife knife, eight Item image of %7B%7B%3Asplit+log%7D%7D, File:split log split logs, and eight ropes from the bank (or buy one from the general supply Link to Non-player character NPC in the Link to bank bank). Travel over the first set of bridges to get to the broken ones further north to repair the bridges (right-click). You will have to travel past trolls to get there, some of which can use Skill icon of Ranged, File:Ranged icon Ranged. Each bridge only needs one repair. Turn on Protect from Missiles before you start repairing the eastern bridge. You cannot activate Link to protection prayers protection prayers while repairing, meaning that the Ice troll female Ice Troll females can inflict heavy ranged damage on you while you are defenceless. Keep Protect from Missiles ON while repairing the bridge; all damage that would have been dealt by projectiles while repairing will be applied to you as you exit the bridge.

Go back to talk to the king (Chat head image of Mawnis Burowgar, File:Mawnis Burowgar chathead Mawnis Burowgar) again; he'll pay another 1,500 coins for repairing the bridges. Now, the request is to investigate the Link to Ice Troll Caves troll caves, but first, you need to make sure that the other Chat head image of King Gjuki Sorvott IV, File:King Gjuki Sorvott IV chathead king does not take the raid on the trolls in the wrong way.

Tax collector[]

Items needed: 5,000 gold coins (optional)

Use the boat to go back to Link to Rellekka Rellekka, and use Chat head image of Mord Gunnars, File:Mord Gunnars chathead Mord's ferry service to return to Chat head image of King Gjuki Sorvott IV, File:King Gjuki Sorvott IV chathead King Gjuki Sorvott IV on Link to Jatizso Jatizso.

King Gjuki Sorvott IV requires a tax collector for his new window tax, which needs to pay for the expenses of the army.

Collect taxes from the following people:

  1. Chat head image of Hring Hring, File:Hring Hring chathead Hring Hring or Chat head image of Raum Urda-Stein, File:Raum Urda-Stein chathead Raum Urda-Stein at the armourer's hut (8,000 Coins 1 coins
  2. Chat head image of Skuli Myrka, File:Skuli Myrka chathead Skuli Myrka at the weaponsmith hut (6,000 Coins 1 coins)
  3. Chat head image of Flosi Dalksson, File:Flosi Dalksson chathead Flosi Dalksson or Chat head image of Keepa Kettilon, File:Keepa Kettilon chathead Keepa Kettilon at the fish shop/Link to general store general store (5,000 Coins 1 coins)
  4. Chat head image of Vanligga Gastfrihet, File:Vanligga Gastfrihet chathead Vanligga Gastfrihet at the eating hall (5,000 Coins 1 coins) (Offer to pay her taxes for her; this provides the capability to trade in black market yak goods after the quest.)

Go back to King Sorvott, who now requires a tax collector for the newly invented "facial hair tax."

Now, collect from:

  1. Chat head image of Raum Urda-Stein, File:Raum Urda-Stein chathead Raum Urda-Stein (armour trader)
  2. Hring Hring (ore trader, in the same building as Chat head image of Raum Urda-Stein, File:Raum Urda-Stein chathead Raum)
  3. Skuli Myrka (weapon trader at the anvil North of Chat head image of Raum Urda-Stein, File:Raum Urda-Stein chathead Raum)
  4. Flosi Dalksson (raw fish seller in the general store)
  5. Chat head image of Keepa Kettilon, File:Keepa Kettilon chathead Keepa Kettilon (cooked fish seller in the general store)

The tax bag now contains 29,000 coins. The same taxpayer options apply as in the previous tax collection round. Return to the king.

The taxes are finally enough. Now, the king requires more spying assistance. So, its time to return to Chat head image of Slug Hemligssen, File:Slug Hemligssen chathead Slug the spymaster in Link to Neitiznot Neitiznot.

Note: If you do not have a Item image of %7B%7B%3AFremennik+shield+%28The+Fremennik+Isles%29%7D%7D, File:Fremennik shield (The Fremennik Isles) Fremennik shield already and don't have a Item image of %7B%7B%3ABronze+nails%7D%7D, File:Bronze nails bronze nail in your bank, buy one Item image of %7B%7B%3ACopper+ore%7D%7D, File:Copper ore copper and one Item image of %7B%7B%3Atin+ore%7D%7D, File:tin ore tin ore from Hring Hring to make a Item image of %7B%7B%3Abronze+bar%7D%7D, File:bronze bar bronze bar at the clay forge in Neitiznot (or use Link to Superheat Item Superheat Item). When returning to Jatizso later in quest, use the anvil to make some bronze nails.

The Jester Part 2[]

Items needed: Silly jester costume

Return to Chat head image of Slug Hemligssen, File:Slug Hemligssen chathead Slug once more, only to get an assignment as jester again.

A rough capture of the guards exchange:

What do you think of the new Burgher's Champion?
He/She seems honourable and courageous to me.
What about their collaboration with King Sorvott?
Well, I trust Mord Gunnars and he works for the King.
And the Champion was helping you to repair the bridges.
Well yes. So are your militia ready?
I have them anchored near Etceteria.
Then I shall sail our potions to them tonight.
So are we ready to sail at dawn?
Absolutely, long live Burgher Burowgar.
And may the Troll general be short lived.

Now, return to Slug and bring out a report. The answers are:

  1. Etceteria
  2. Some potions
  3. I have been helping

Slug is pleased with the answers and pays another 2,500 coins. Then, he suggests to visit Chat head image of King Gjuki Sorvott IV, File:King Gjuki Sorvott IV chathead King Gjuki Sorvott IV and give an update on the spying progress.

Traditional Fremennik rites[]

Items needed: A set of yak-hide armour OR 3 yak-hides (can be obtained on Neitiznot), 15 gold coins, a needle and some thread. You will also need a large Fremennik round shield OR 2 arctic pine logs, one bronze nail, a hammer, and a rope.

Chat head image of King Gjuki Sorvott IV, File:King Gjuki Sorvott IV chathead King Gjuki Sorvott IV gets an update that he is not prepared for, but he won't listen to sound advice.

He will give you a decree that you need to deliver to Chat head image of Mawnis Burowgar, File:Mawnis Burowgar chathead Mawnis Burowgar.

Hop islands again to talk to Mawnis, who is obviously disappointed in learning the decree from King Sorvott. As leader of his troops, go through the ancient Link to Neitiznot Neitiznot warrior rites.

Note: You can skip the making of the shield and armour by having all three items in your inventory and continuing to speak to the king.

First, Chat head image of Thakkrad Sigmundson, File:Thakkrad Sigmundson chathead Thakkrad Sigmundson will tell you to make Link to yak-hide armour yak-hide armour. Get three Item image of %7B%7B%3Ayak-hide%7D%7D, File:yak-hide yak-hides, and have them cured by Thakkrad for a fee of 5 coins per hide. Take a Item image of %7B%7B%3Aneedle%7D%7D, File:needle needle and Item image of %7B%7B%3Athread%7D%7D, File:thread thread from bank or the nearby shop, and craft the Item image of %7B%7B%3Acured+yak-hide%7D%7D, File:cured yak-hide cured yak-hides into Item image of %7B%7B%3AYak-hide+armour+%28legs%29%7D%7D, File:Yak-hide armour (legs) yak-hide chaps (1 hide) and into a Link to Yak-hide_armour_(top) yak-hide body (2 hides). Each hide gives 32 Skill icon of Crafting, File:Crafting icon Crafting Link to experience experience. Thakkrad states that the armour is ideal for protection from the Chat head image of Ice troll, File:Ice troll chathead trolls' granite clubs.

Talk to King Burowgar again to learn how to make a large Item image of %7B%7B%3AFremennik+shield+%28The+Fremennik+Isles%29%7D%7D, File:Fremennik shield (The Fremennik Isles) Fremennik round shield. This shield is ideal for protection from stones that are thrown by the trolls.

Making the shield requires two Item image of %7B%7B%3Aarctic+pine+logs%7D%7D, File:arctic pine logs arctic pine logs, one Item image of %7B%7B%3ABronze+nails%7D%7D, File:Bronze nails bronze nail, a Item image of %7B%7B%3Ahammer%7D%7D, File:hammer hammer, and a Item image of %7B%7B%3Arope%7D%7D, File:rope rope. Make the shield on the Skill icon of Woodcutting, File:Woodcutting icon Woodcutting stump located east of bank. Make sure to have a hammer in the inventory. Making a shield gives 34 Crafting experience.

Note: If you do not have 56 Woodcutting to make this shield, you may buy the shield off other players, and it will still allow you to continue the quest.

Return to King Burowgar one more time, and he will make you the champion of Neitiznot and give you the assignment to kill the Ice Troll King Ice Troll King and deliver his head.

The Troll King[]

Items needed: A set of yak-hide armour, a large Fremennik round shield, food, and armour.

Note: The Ice Troll King Troll King can only be killed effectively with Link to Melee Melee; do not use Skill icon of Ranged, File:Ranged icon Ranged or Skill icon of Magic, File:Magic icon Magic.

Chat head image of Ice troll, File:Ice troll chathead Ice trolls resemble their mountainous counterparts. The key difference is that ice trolls wield Link to Melee Melee and Link to Weapons#Ranged weapons Ranged weapons with a special effect that can hit through Skill icon of Defence, File:Defence icon Defence. Occasionally, the ice troll can hit as if the player wears no armour and has a Defence level of 1. Unlike the Link to Verac the Defiled's equipment Verac's set effect, however, the weapons do not hit through Link to protection prayers protection prayers. The Link to yak-hide armour yak-hide armour and the Item image of %7B%7B%3AFremennik+shield+%28The+Fremennik+Isles%29%7D%7D, File:Fremennik shield (The Fremennik Isles) Fremennik round shield help a lot to reduce the frequency and the damage of the special effect from the ice trolls' weapons. The traditional Fremennik armour has reasonable Defence against both Melee and Ranged attacks. The only extra items to bring are Link to gloves gloves, Link to boots boots, a Link to Helmet (disambiguation) helmet, an Link to amulet amulet, a Link to Capes cape, and a Link to Weapons#Weapon requirements Melee weapon of your choice.

The Fremennik Isles honour guard and trolls

Fighting the ice trolls alongside the honour guard.

If you're planning on using Melee without wearing yak-hide armour and the Fremennik shield (not recommended), bring a Item image of %7B%7B%3Asuper+potion+set%7D%7D, File:super potion set super potion set, Prayer potion(1) prayer potions and good Link to food food as you may take heavy damage. Taking a Item image of %7B%7B%3Aring+of+life%7D%7D, File:ring of life ring of life should be considered as well as an emergency teleport (e.g. the Item image of %7B%7B%3AEctophial%7D%7D, File:Ectophial Ectophial, a Item image of %7B%7B%3Ateleport+crystal%7D%7D, File:teleport crystal teleport crystal or any Link to magic tablet magic tablet).

Go to the eastern part of the most northern isle. As you get closer to the Link to Ice Troll Caves dungeon, the number of hard hitting trolls keeps increasing. Use Link to Protect from Missiles Protect from Missiles/Link to Protect from Melee Melee (preferably Protect from Melee since the melee trolls do more damage than the ranged ones) to reduce the amount of damage taken, depending on which trolls are approaching or attacking you. Run past the trolls. When you get to the eastern side of the northernmost area, the trolls will not follow you. You can rest before you enter the cave to get back your run energy for the final part in the Link to Ice Troll Caves troll cave.

After entering the eastern cave entrance, a cutscene follows. The men from Chat head image of Mawnis Burowgar, File:Mawnis Burowgar chathead King Burowgar will help with killing 10 trolls before you can cross the bridge to the south to assault the Ice Troll King Ice Troll King. Their support can be useful as the trolls are in a Link to multicombat area multicombat area with ranged and melee trolls teaming up to inflict a lot of damage. The Ice troll runt troll males, Ice troll grunt grunts and Ice troll runt runts use Melee while the Ice troll female females use Ranged.

The Fremennik Isles boss fight

Fighting the Ice Troll King.

Talk to Chat head image of Bork Sigmundson, File:Bork Sigmundson chathead Bork Sigmundson near the cave entrance, and he will give you up to ten Item image of %7B%7B%3Atuna%7D%7D, File:tuna tunas, two 4-dose Strength potion(1) strength potions, and at least three 3-dose prayer potions upon request. If there is not enough inventory space, then the player gets enough to fill the pack and does not get any more. Players can make only one request for each supply. Simply talk to him. This should give you enough potions if you're meleeing with protection prayers and the appropriate Fremennik armour. A useful strategy is to let the warriors attack the trolls and finish off 10 that are nearly dead. It's faster this way, and you avoid wasting food or prayer. Another useful strategy is meleeing female thrower trolls with Protect from Missiles; the melee trolls can get stuck on obstacles and are less likely to interfere.

Kill the 10 trolls required to cross the bridge. A message in the screen will appear stating that the bridge to the Ice Troll King Ice Troll King can be used. Leaving the cave will not revoke your access to the Ice Troll King, so restock on supplies if you need to.

When crossing the bridge, a short cut scene shows the Troll King moving towards you. He will land the first strike, so turn on the Link to Protect from Magic Protect from Magic prayer before crossing bridge or while the cut scene is playing, and top up prayer if needed.

Warning: This fight takes place in an Link to Instance instanced room, so if you are killed, you cannot pick up dropped items.
Warning: When fighting the final boss, don't use Protect from Melee (Protect from Magic is preferable).

The Troll King has a Link to Combat level Combat level of 122 and uses a powerful mix of attacks (Melee, Ranged, Skill icon of Magic, File:Magic icon Magic and teleport); turn on Protect from Magic and you won't get hit much. Wearing yak hide armour and using the Fremennik shield while meleeing with Protect from Magic will decrease his damage significantly. Do not use Protect from Melee against the troll king for he will use a strong knockback attack for as long as you have it activated, making you unable to attack him.

The Fremennik Isles boss defeated

Neitiznot's champion claims the troll's head as proof of victory.

After killing the Troll King, decapitate the head from the body. (You do not need any particular weapon/Item image of %7B%7B%3Aknife%7D%7D, File:knife knife for this step, you simply pull it off). If you die with the troll king head in your inventory, you do not need to kill the king again; just return to the spot to find the troll king with a new head for you to take.

Teleport away, or return the way you came. Return to Link to Neitiznot Neitiznot to talk to King Burowgar. He will give his Item image of %7B%7B%3Ahelm+of+neitiznot%7D%7D, File:helm of neitiznot helm of neitiznot in return for the Item image of %7B%7B%3ADecapitated+head+%28The+Fremennik+Isles%29%7D%7D, File:Decapitated head (The Fremennik Isles) Troll King's head. After taking two choices for a 10,000 experience reward to any one of Skill icon of Attack, File:Attack icon Attack, Skill icon of Strength, File:Strength icon Strength, Skill icon of Defence, File:Defence icon Defence or Skill icon of Hitpoints, File:Hitpoints icon Hitpoints, the quest is complete.


The Fremennik Isles reward scroll



  • The exchange with Chat head image of Slug Hemligssen, File:Slug Hemligssen chathead Slug regarding your codename is a reference to the film Reservoir Dogs.
  • The window tax may sound somewhat ridiculous, but it is the origin of the real-life phrase "daylight robbery"; people claimed that to tax windows would be equivalent to stealing daylight from people's homes.
    • The window tax was also a British glass tax during 1696-1851.
  • The beard tax of 1698 is the best known of a series of measures enacted by Tsar Peter the Great to transform and regulate the appearance of his subjects.
  • Link to Neitiznot Neitiznot is a word play for "Nay, 'tis not", while Link to Jatizso Jatizso is a word play for "Yeah, 'tis so".
  • The choice of password to give to Chat head image of Slug Hemligssen, File:Slug Hemligssen chathead Slug, Colorless green ideas sleep furiously, is a reference to that sentence devised by linguist Noam Chomsky.
  • The password "free stuff please" used to talk with Slug Hemligssen is a phrase commonly used by players who beg for items.
  • The name "Slug Hemligssen" seems to be a fictional Swedish name and translated means "Tricky/Cunning Secretson". Although the last name ending in "-ssen" which is more common in Norway/Denmark e.g., 'Anderssen / Larssen' as Sweden uses "-sson" e.g., 'Andersson / Svensson'.
  • The watchtowers between the two islands have a special Link to cutscene cutscene when spoken to, in which they are yelling insults to each other which are quotes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, such as "Your mother was a hamster. ... And your father smelled of elderberries."
  • The Chat head image of ice troll, File:ice troll chathead ice trolls used to have fairly decent drops. The Link to Rune equipment rune items (Item image of %7B%7B%3ARune+kiteshield%7D%7D, File:Rune kiteshield kiteshield and Item image of %7B%7B%3ARune+warhammer%7D%7D, File:Rune warhammer warhammer) are the few remaining items that players with high level Skill icon of Smithing, File:Smithing icon Smithing can sell in modest volume. Their complaints resulted in a significant downgrade of the drop list from Ice Trolls.
  • If a Item image of %7B%7B%3Acatspeak+amulet%7D%7D, File:catspeak amulet catspeak amulet is worn, the player is able to understand what Chat head image of HRH Hrafn, File:HRH Hrafn chathead HRH Hrafn is saying during an early cutscene.
  • If you already have enough ores in your bank when tasked with acquiring them early in the quest, you will have a unique exchange with Chat head image of Thorkel Silkbeard, File:Thorkel Silkbeard chathead Thorkel Silkbeard.
  • Speaking to Mawnis Burowgar with an inventory of ropes before he tells you that you need to get ropes to repair the bridges will result in a humorous conversation in which he accuses you of being a witch while you defend that you are a ropes salesperson.
  • Chat head image of Morten Holdstrom, File:Morten Holdstrom chathead Morten Holdstrom (near main gate to Neitiznot) eats surströmming, a Swedish delicacy consisting of fermented Baltic herring.
  • The name of the cook on Jatizso is named Chat head image of Vanligga Gastfrihet, File:Vanligga Gastfrihet chathead Vanligga Gastfrihet, which is Swedish and could be roughly translated to "Kind Hospitality".
  • In the music 'Norse Code' (playing while in Jatizso), the high pitch flute plays the Morse code letters for "RuneScape". The code is as follows: .-. ..- -. . ... -.-. .- .--. .
  • When the quest was first released, one of the NPCs used the word damn, which was originally a censored word when used by players. It was later changed to blasted.
  • Some of the quest is similar to the epic Anglo-Saxon story Beowulf, as you have to cut off the head of the Ice Troll King Troll King in the quest, but in the story Beowulf had to cut off the head of the monster Grendel's mother.
  • Neitiznot is ruled by a Burgher, while Jatizso is ruled by a King. Together, these make a Burgher King, a pun about Burger King, a real-life global fast food chain. This could also be a reference the English King Henry VII, whose nickname was the Burgher King.
