Old School RuneScape Wiki
For thievable chests in the Thieving skill, see Thievable chests.

The Treasure chest is a hot spot found in the costume room of a player-owned house. Treasure chests are used to store Treasure Trail rewards, either bought or discovered by players themselves. However, only certain rewards may be stored, and in some cases a complete set is required.

The following Treasure trail rewards cannot be stored:

Note that you cannot store item sets from the Grand Exchange in the Treasure chest even if all of the components can be stored within the Treasure chest.

Treasure chests[]

Image Type Level Materials required Details
Oak treasure chest icon Oak treasure chest 48 2 oak planks Certain rewards from Level 1 Treasure Trails
Teak treasure chest icon Teak treasure chest 66 2 teak planks Certain rewards from Level 1 and 2 Treasure Trails
Mahogany treasure chest icon Mahogany treasure chest 84 2 mahogany planks Certain rewards from all level Treasure Trails
For a list of all storable rewards, see below.

Note: When upgrading the treasure chest you must remove all stored items before removing your existing chest. This can be difficult if you have many rewards and not much room in your bank.

Storable rewards[]


Set Amount Head Chest Legs Gloves Boots Other
Black heraldic kiteshield 1 Black shield (h1)
Black heraldic kiteshield 1 Black shield (h2)
Black heraldic kiteshield 1 Black shield (h3)
Black heraldic kiteshield 1 Black shield (h4)
Black heraldic kiteshield 1 Black shield (h5)
Gold-trimmed studded leather 2 Studded body (g) Studded chaps (g)
Fur-trimmed studded leather 2 Studded body (t) Studded chaps (t)
Blue wizard (gold) 3 Blue wizard hat (g) Blue wizard robe (g) Blue skirt (g)
Blue wizard (trim) 3 Blue wizard hat (t) Blue wizard robe (t) Blue skirt (t)
Trimmed black armour 4 Black full helm (t) Black platebody (t) Black platelegs (t) or Black plateskirt (t) Black kiteshield (t)
Gold-trimmed black armour 4 Black full helm (g) Black platebody (g) Black platelegs (g) or Black plateskirt (g) Black kiteshield (g)
Highwayman mask 1 Highwayman mask
Blue beret 1 Blue beret
Black beret 1 Black beret
White beret 1 White beret
Black heraldic helm 1 Black helm (h1)
Black heraldic helm 1 Black helm (h2)
Black heraldic helm 1 Black helm (h3)
Black heraldic helm 1 Black helm (h4)
Black heraldic helm 1 Black helm (h5)
Trimmed amulet of magic 1 Amulet of magic (t)
Pantaloons 1 Pantaloons
Wig 1 A powdered wig
Flared trousers 1 Flared trousers
Sleeping cap 1 Sleeping cap
Bob the Cat shirt (red) 1 Bob's red shirt
Bob the Cat shirt (blue) 1 Bob's blue shirt
Bob the Cat shirt (green) 1 Bob's green shirt
Bob the Cat shirt (black) 1 Bob's black shirt
Bob the Cat shirt (purple) 1 Bob's purple shirt
Elegant clothing (red) 2 Red elegant shirt or Red elegant blouse Red elegant legs or Red elegant skirt
Elegant clothing (green) 2 Green elegant shirt or Green elegant blouse Green elegant legs or Green elegant skirt
Elegant clothing (blue) 2 Blue elegant shirt or Blue elegant blouse Blue elegant legs or Blue elegant skirt
Beret mask 1 Beret mask
Bronze armour (trim) 4 Bronze full helm (t) Bronze platebody (t) Bronze platelegs (t) or Bronze plateskirt (t) Bronze kiteshield (t)
Bronze armour (gold) 4 Bronze full helm (g) Bronze platebody (g) Bronze platelegs (g) or Bronze plateskirt (g) Bronze kiteshield (g)
Iron armour (trim) 4 Iron full helm (t) Iron platebody (t) Iron platelegs (t) or Iron plateskirt (t) Iron kiteshield (t)
Iron armour (gold) 4 Iron full helm (g) Iron platebody (g) Iron platelegs (g) or Iron plateskirt (g) Iron kiteshield (g)
Steel armour (trim) 4 Steel full helm (t) Steel platebody (t) Steel platelegs (t) or Steel plateskirt (t) Steel kiteshield (t)
Steel armour (gold) 4 Steel full helm (g) Steel platebody (g) Steel platelegs (g) or Steel plateskirt (g) Steel kiteshield (g)
Beanie hat 1 Beanie
Red beret 1 Red beret
Imp mask 1 Imp mask
Goblin mask 1 Goblin mask
Black cane 1 Black cane
Black pickaxe 1 Black pickaxe
Black wizard (gold) 3 Black wizard hat (g) Black wizard robe (g) Black skirt (g)
Black wizard (trim) 3 Black wizard hat (t) Black wizard robe (t) Black skirt (t)
Large spade 1 Large spade
Wooden shield (g) 1 Wooden shield (g)
Golden chef's hat 1 Golden chef's hat
Golden apron 1 Golden apron
Monk robes (gold) 2 Monk's robe top (g) Monk's robe (g)


Set Amount Head Chest Legs Gloves Boots Other
Red straw boater 1 Red boater
Orange straw boater 1 Orange boater
Green straw boater 1 Green boater
Blue straw boater 1 Blue boater
Black straw boater 1 Black boater
Adamant heraldic kiteshield 1 Adamant shield (h1)
Adamant heraldic kiteshield 1 Adamant shield (h2)
Adamant heraldic kiteshield 1 Adamant shield (h3)
Adamant heraldic kiteshield 1 Adamant shield (h4)
Adamant heraldic kiteshield 1 Adamant shield (h5)
Green dragonhide (gold) 2 Green d'hide body (g) Green d'hide chaps (g)
Green dragonhide (trim) 2 Green d'hide body (t) Green d'hide chaps (t)
Ranger boots 1 Ranger boots
Trimmed adamantite armour 4 Adamant full helm (t) Adamant platebody (t) Adamant platelegs (t) or Adamant plateskirt (t) Adamant kiteshield (t)
Gold-trimmed adamantite armour 4 Adamant full helm (g) Adamant platebody (g) Adamant platelegs (g) or Adamant plateskirt (g) Adamant kiteshield (g)
Red headband 1 Red headband
Black headband 1 Black headband
Brown headband 1 Brown headband
Adamant heraldic helm 1 Adamant helm (h1)
Adamant heraldic helm 1 Adamant helm (h2)
Adamant heraldic helm 1 Adamant helm (h3)
Adamant heraldic helm 1 Adamant helm (h4)
Adamant heraldic helm 1 Adamant helm (h5)
Trimmed amulet of strength 1 Strength amulet (t)
Elegant clothing (black)/(white) 2 Black elegant shirt or White elegant blouse Black elegant legs or White elegant skirt
Elegant clothing (purple) 2 Purple elegant shirt or Purple elegant blouse Purple elegant legs or Purple elegant skirt
Wizard boots 1 Wizard boots
Mithril armour (gold) 4 Mithril full helm (g) Mithril platebody (g) Mithril platelegs (g) or Mithril plateskirt (g) Mithril kiteshield (g)
Mithril armour (trim) 4 Mithril full helm (t) Mithril platebody (t) Mithril platelegs (t) or Mithril plateskirt (t) Mithril kiteshield (t)
Leprechaun hat 1 Leprechaun hat
Black leprechaun hat 1 Black leprechaun hat
White headband 1 White headband
Blue headband 1 Blue headband
Gold headband 1 Gold headband
Pink headband 1 Pink headband
Green headband 1 Green headband
Pink boater 1 Pink boater
Purple boater 1 Purple boater
White boater 1 White boater
Cat mask 1 Cat mask
Penguin mask 1 Penguin mask
Black unicorn mask 1 Black unicorn mask
White unicorn mask 1 White unicorn mask
Pink elegant 2 Pink elegant shirt or Pink elegant blouse Pink elegant legs or Pink elegant skirt
Gold elegant 2 Gold elegant shirt or Gold elegant blouse Gold elegant legs or Gold elegant skirt
Armadyl vestments 6 Armadyl mitre Armadyl robe top Armadyl robe legs Armadyl cloakArmadyl crozierArmadyl stole
Ancient vestments 6 Ancient mitre Ancient robe top Ancient robe legs Ancient cloakAncient crozierAncient stole
Bandos vestments 6 Bandos mitre Bandos robe top Bandos robe legs Bandos cloakBandos crozierBandos stole
Town crier hat 1 Crier hat
Town crier bell 1 Crier bell
Town crier coat 1 Crier coat
Adamant cane 1 Adamant cane
Holy sandals 1 Holy sandals
Clueless scroll 1 Clueless scroll
Arceuus banner 1 Arceuus banner
Hosidius banner 1 Hosidius banner
Lovakengj banner 1 Lovakengj banner
Piscarilius banner 1 Piscarilius banner
Shayzien banner 1 Shayzien banner
Cabbage round shield 1 Cabbage round shield


Set Amount Head Chest Legs Gloves Boots Other
Rune heraldic kiteshield 1 Rune shield (h1)
Rune heraldic kiteshield 1 Rune shield (h2)
Rune heraldic kiteshield 1 Rune shield (h3)
Rune heraldic kiteshield 1 Rune shield (h4)
Rune heraldic kiteshield 1 Rune shield (h5)
Blue dragonhide (gold) 2 Blue d'hide body (g) Blue d'hide chaps (g)
Blue dragonhide (trim) 2 Blue d'hide body (t) Blue d'hide chaps (t)
Enchanted robes 3 Enchanted hat Enchanted top Enchanted robe
Robin hood hat 1 Robin hood hat
Gold-trimmed rune armour 4 Rune full helm (g) Rune platebody (g) Rune platelegs (g) or Rune plateskirt (g) Rune kiteshield (g)
Trimmed rune armour 4 Rune full helm (t) Rune platebody (t) Rune platelegs (t) or Rune plateskirt (t) Rune kiteshield (t)
Tan cavalier 1 Tan cavalier
Dark cavalier 1 Dark cavalier
Black cavalier 1 Black cavalier
Pirate's hat 1 Pirate's hat
Zamorak rune armour 4 Zamorak full helm Zamorak platebody Zamorak platelegs or Zamorak plateskirt Zamorak kiteshield
Saradomin rune armour 4 Saradomin full helm Saradomin platebody Saradomin platelegs or Saradomin plateskirt Saradomin kiteshield
Guthix rune armour 4 Guthix full helm Guthix platebody Guthix platelegs or Guthix plateskirt Guthix kiteshield
Gilded rune armour 4 Gilded full helm Gilded platebody Gilded platelegs or Gilded plateskirt Gilded kiteshield
Rune heraldic helm 1 Rune helm (h1)
Rune heraldic helm 1 Rune helm (h2)
Rune heraldic helm 1 Rune helm (h3)
Rune heraldic helm 1 Rune helm (h4)
Rune heraldic helm 1 Rune helm (h5)
Trimmed amulet of glory 1 Amulet of glory (t)
Saradomin vestments 6 Saradomin mitre Saradomin robe top Saradomin robe legs Saradomin cloakSaradomin crozierSaradomin stole
Guthix vestments 6 Guthix mitre Guthix robe top Guthix robe legs Guthix cloakGuthix crozierGuthix stole
Zamorak vestment set 6 Zamorak mitre Zamorak robe top Zamorak robe legs Zamorak cloakZamorak crozierZamorak stole
Saradomin blessed d'hide armour 4 Saradomin coif Saradomin d'hide Saradomin chaps Saradomin bracers
Guthix blessed d'hide armour 4 Guthix coif Guthix dragonhide Guthix chaps Guthix bracers
Zamorak blessed d'hide armour 4 Zamorak coif Zamorak d'hide Zamorak chaps Zamorak bracers
Cavalier mask 1 Cavalier mask
Red dragonhide (gold) 2 Red d'hide body (g) Red d'hide chaps (g)
Red dragonhide (trim) 2 Red d'hide body (t) Red d'hide chaps (t)
Red cavalier 1 Red cavalier
Navy cavalier 1 Navy cavalier
White cavalier 1 White cavalier
Pith helmet 1 Pith helmet
Explorer backpack 1 Explorer backpack
Armadyl rune armour 4 Armadyl full helm Armadyl platebody Armadyl platelegs or Armadyl plateskirt Armadyl kiteshield
Bandos rune armour 4 Bandos full helm Bandos platebody Bandos platelegs or Bandos plateskirt Bandos kiteshield
Ancient rune armour 4 Ancient full helm Ancient platebody Ancient platelegs or Ancient plateskirt Ancient kiteshield
Armadyl blessed d'hide armour 4 Armadyl coif Armadyl d'hide Armadyl chaps Armadyl bracers
Bandos blessed d'hide armour 4 Bandos coif Bandos d'hide Bandos chaps Bandos bracers
Ancient blessed d'hide armour 4 Ancient coif Ancient d'hide Ancient chaps Ancient bracers
Green dragon mask 1 Green dragon mask
Blue dragon mask 1 Blue dragon mask
Red dragon mask 1 Red dragon mask
Black dragon mask 1 Black dragon mask
Rune cane 1 Rune cane
Zombie head 1 Zombie head (Treasure Trails)
Cyclops head 1 Cyclops head
Gilded rune med helm 1 Gilded med helm
Gilded rune chainbody 1 Gilded chainbody
Gilded rune sq shield 1 Gilded sq shield
Gilded rune 2h sword 1 Gilded 2h sword
Gilded rune spear 1 Gilded spear
Gilded rune hasta 1 Gilded hasta
Nunchaku 1 Nunchaku
Saradomin d'hide boots 1 Saradomin d'hide boots
Bandos d'hide boots 1 Bandos d'hide boots
Armadyl d'hide boots 1 Armadyl d'hide boots
Guthix d'hide boots 1 Guthix d'hide boots
Zamorak d'hide boots 1 Zamorak d'hide boots
Ancient d'hide boots 1 Ancient d'hide boots
3rd age range equipment 4 3rd age range coif 3rd age range top 3rd age range legs 3rd age vambraces
3rd age mage equipment 4 3rd age mage hat 3rd age robe top 3rd age robe 3rd age amulet
3rd age melee equipment 4 3rd age full helmet 3rd age platebody 3rd age platelegs 3rd age kiteshield


Set Amount Head Chest Legs Gloves Boots Other
Dragon cane 1 Dragon cane
Briefcase 1 Briefcase
Sagacious spectacles 1 Sagacious spectacles
Royal outfit 4 Royal crown Royal gown top Royal gown bottom Royal sceptre
Bronze dragon mask 1 Bronze dragon mask
Iron dragon mask 1 Iron dragon mask
Steel dragon mask 1 Steel dragon mask
Mithril dragon mask 1 Mithril dragon mask
Lava dragon mask 1 Lava dragon mask
Afro 1 Afro
Katana 1 Katana
Big pirate hat 1 Big pirate hat
Top hat 1 Top hat
Monocle 1 Monocle
Black dragonhide (gold) 2 Black d'hide body (g) Black d'hide chaps (g)
Black dragonhide (trim) 2 Black d'hide body (t) Black d'hide chaps (t)
Musketeer outfit 3 Musketeer hat Musketeer tabard Musketeer pants
Partyhat & specs 1 Partyhat & specs
Pirate hat & patch 1 Pirate hat & patch
Top hat & monocle 1 Top hat & monocle
Deerstalker 1 Deerstalker
Heavy casket 1 Heavy casket
Arceuus house scarf 1 Arceuus house scarf
Hosidius house scarf 1 Hosidius house scarf
Lovakengj house scarf 1 Lovakengj house scarf
Piscarilius house scarf 1 Piscarilius house scarf
Shayzien house scarf 1 Shayzien house scarf
Blacksmith's helm 1 Blacksmith's helm
Bucket helm 1 Bucket helm
Ranger gloves 1 Ranger gloves
Holy wraps 1 Holy wraps
Ring of nature 1 Ring of nature
3rd age wand 1 3rd age wand
3rd age bow 1 3rd age bow
3rd age longsword 1 3rd age longsword
Dark tuxedo outfit 5 Dark tuxedo jacket Dark trousers Dark tuxedo cuffs Dark tuxedo shoes Dark bow tie
Light tuxedo outfit 5 Light tuxedo jacket Light trousers Light tuxedo cuffs Light tuxedo shoes Light bow tie


Set Amount Head Chest Legs Gloves Boots Other
Fancy tiara 1 Fancy tiara
3rd age axe 1 3rd age axe
3rd age pickaxe 1 3rd age pickaxe
Ring of coins 1 Ring of coins
Lesser demon mask 1 Lesser demon mask
Greater demon mask 1 Greater demon mask
Black demon mask 1 Black demon mask
Old demon mask 1 Old demon mask
Jungle demon mask 1 Jungle demon mask
Obsidian cape (r) 1 Obsidian cape (r)
Half moon spectacles 1 Half moon spectacles
Ale of the gods 1 Ale of the gods
Bucket helm (g) 1 Bucket helm (g)
Bowl wig 1 Bowl wig
Shayzien house hood 1 Shayzien house hood
Hosidius house hood 1 Hosidius house hood
Arceuus house hood 1 Arceuus house hood
Piscarilius house hood 1 Piscarilius house hood
Lovakengj house hood 1 Lovakengj house hood
Samurai outfit 5 Samurai kasa Samurai shirt Samurai greaves Samurai gloves Samurai boots
Mummy outfit 5 Mummy's head Mummy's body Mummy's legs Mummy's hands Mummy's feet
Ankou outfit 5 Ankou mask Ankou top Ankou's leggings Ankou gloves Ankou socks
Robes of darkness 5 Hood of darkness Robe top of darkness Robe bottom of darkness Gloves of darkness Boots of darkness


  • When you place an item in the chest, it says "You place the costume in the treasure chest.", even if it is not a costume, for example gold-trimmed rune armour.
