This update was added on 5 July 2005.
This month will bring a variety of exciting updates, including: efficient desert travel, the next part to the popular Ardougne Plague series (Biohazard, Regicide etc), the release of the farming skill, farming shops, new beverages, new food, new training areas, statue-stealing, the Queen of Varrock and the Gnomic "surface to sheep paintball launcher".
Furious debates have been heard in Gnome trees thanks to the emergence of Alis magic carpets, the popular new transport option for the desert. King Narnode himself is said to be furious following a very unproductive meeting with Ali Morrisane from which the king managed to leave with no concessions or clear air boundaries, but he did buy a nice new set of toothpicks and a bucket and spade. And some sand. Gnome politicians are said to be calling for the early resignation of the king and demanding he does not stand for another term in next year's Gnome Elections*.
In other more distant lands, the mystery surrounding the Ardougne plague is beginning to unravel. Residents of the Isafdar woods have discovered gas masks and freshly picked dwellberries on the western side of the Underground Pass. Did the sickness originate from the elves of Tirannwn? Why do grizzly bears always wink when you walk past them? Did Iban's madness affect Koftik more than previously thought? Is Councillor Halgrive really the son of King Vargas of Miscellania? Will Dr Orbon's elaborate plague suit scheme finally be exposed? Is the writer of this Behind the Scenes article just generating red herrings? Wait just a few weeks and find out!
And then there is farming too. The addition of farming to the game will be the biggest update so far this year, with hundreds of new items, new crafting options, over 20 additions to the cooking skill, new weapon poisons, scarecrows and just to top it all off we have reworked a vast amount of the gameworld to include our new farming patches, all of which will be marked on the map. We have even given purpose to the giant farm building just north of Port Sarim. And to encourage you all to farm just a little bit more, we are also releasing a quest at the end of the month with a heavy gardening theme to it. Would you help a stressed-out member of the RuneScape royalty relax in a purpose-built garden or would you just point and laugh? The choice is yours.
Enjoy, and dont get your fingers caught in the compost bin.
RuneScape Content Team
*Yes, Gnome Kings are elected just like modern-day politicians. No, it's not a mistake.