This update was added on 4 October 2005.
Welcome to another Behind the Scenes article to whet the appetites of mystery and sharpen the swords of intrigue.
To kick-start the month we have the second part of the highly successful TzHaar Pits. The humans can obviously fight well in a disorganised rabble, but how are they on their own? Players fight wave after wave of TzHaar enemies until finally they face the wrath of the TzTok-Jad (who, just out of interest, makes the Kalphite Queen look a bit “Imp-like”). New onyx gems, several new monsters, new cloaks and a new set of jewellery are all available after this update.
Also this month we have 3 new quests for you. The long awaited Mournings Ends Pt 2 WILL be released this month after some serious work over the last few weeks to prepare it for your eager minds. What have the mourners found deep beneath the Ardougne sewers? Are the rumours about a new rune rock true? Is it really the most fiendish puzzle EVER? Who knows? Well... we do... but it’s for you to find out. Much more than just the answer can be found after completing the quest, so be prepared for some additional labour once the “Temple of Light” has been made secure again.
The second planned quest for this month is the next part to the growing Temple Knight storyline, called Wanted. This time, after successfully enrolling, the player has to go back to the white knights and serve as a squire. “What, just stand about in Falador moaning about losing my knight's sword for ages” I hear you scream? No, those tricky temple knights have a plan to fast-track you round complications like that. New armour and the introduction of the communication orb will accompany that update.
The third quest for this month focuses on something we have neglected ever since we banned rum from the mainland…. And that’s PIRATES. Well, there is that No-beard chap at the Agility Arena, but pirates won’t talk about him since the “accident”. Arrr, yarrr, and arrr again, pirates be the salt o’ the earth and o’ the sea, aye, that they be. Avast, grab yer nearest belaying pin an’ swing yer peg leg o’er the yard arm for ye be entrin’ into Braindeath Island, and no mistake. No parley to be ‘ad ‘ere young laddy me Jim... only a lot of angry, and dead, pirates. Arrr.
Also this month we will be introducing lots of slayer monsters such as Mogres and sand lizards, more mini-tasks, skill updates, NPCs, pet goldfish, mad crazy fishermen, a new potion and random chat options around the game to continue with our promise to update all areas of the map. Keep your eyes peeled for something new where you least expect it.