This update was added on 10 September 2014.
Fancy a new name? Were releasing the fifth batch of character names tomorrow at 5pm UK time and this time its S-V.
Last week, we tweaked the process to make it even easier for you to get the name you were after and after listening to your feedback weve decided to keep the process the same this week. Head to the dedicated name release page below tomorrow and follow the instructions to get your name:
N.B. This link will NOT allow you to take one of the released names until 5pm tomorrow, UK time.
As always, we will be publishing a list of all names that are released, which you can access here, but this list will quickly become out of date as the names are taken. The same rules still apply; if you want to change your name or check availability youll need to have a total level of 1,000. This minimum level restriction will be removed at around 5pm UK time on Friday.
The RuneScape Team