This update was added on 24 October 2005.
Skippy and the Mogres
A new resident in the Rimmington area can now be found hurling bottles and insults out into the ocean. Skippy was once a fisherman, but now he enjoys nothing more than a hard day's ranting about the huge, evil monsters that shattered his sanity. Players who manage to wring some truth from his deluded rantings may unlock the secret of the new slayer monster, the Mogre.
Fishbowls and Pet fish
Players that enjoy talking to fish more than eating them will be quite happy with the new update to the glassblowing section of crafting. Fishbowls are now available and waiting to be filled from the Aquarium in Catherby.
Ali M's Associates
Something is afoot in Al Kharid. Those of you who have been helping out Ali Morrisane with his business enterprises may find that he seems to have something else planned soon, and now has some... associates along to help him.
Another slayer monster - Desert lizards
Further south in the desert, there are rumours of large vicious lizards attacking travellers, and the Slayer masters are now offering adventurers a chance to slay them for fun and profit. These large lizards love the heat of the desert, and so the Slayer shops have stocked up on boxes of cold ice that can shock weakened lizards into expiring.
Cooking additions
The farmers of RuneScape have also made some improvements. Several farm buildings now contain dairy churns, which can be used to make cream, cheese and even butter. Cooks can now also make baked potatoes, and the new dairy products will make excellent toppings for those to create the perfect potato.
Herblore Addition - Saradomin Brew
The herblore skill has been expanded by one new potion - the Saradomin Brew. Requires herblore level 81 Ingredients: Toadflax herb, crushed bird's nest (Grind an empty bird's nest with a pestle and mortar to create this ingredient.) Effects: It gives a big boost to hitpoints and defence. It gives a small reduction to attack, strength, magic and ranged.
A complement to the Potion of Zamorak, it's a potion intended to aid survival as opposed to destruction.
Gnome Ball Coach
Up at the Gnome Ball Field, the players have another Gnome to contend with - their frustrated coach! In between his shouts of encouragment to his team, he may spare you some time to answer questions on the game and its various intricacies. His knowledge spans from the tactics and history of the game, to the strange stars who've earned their fame over the years. He walks around the edge of the field itself, and you'll recognise him by his distinctive cap, moustache and sheep-skin coat.
Also be aware that we have released two new random events to keep you on your toes while training!