This update was added on 29 March 2004.
It's finally here, the RS2 beta has ended. And you can start playing it for real! We have reset everyone's RS2 saves for the last time, so from now on all that you do and everything you gain in the new game will permanently affect your real character.
Here's how the launch works. We've changed the original plan slightly, so please read this carefully:
We have decided to copy your stats to both games. So you will have all your stats and abilities in both RS1 and RS2. You can play each game whenever you wish, using the same username/password. Skills you gain in one game will not affect the other game in any way. So if you're going to put some effort into levelling up we recommend you do so on the game you most want to stick with.
We have moved your items to RS2. So you will find all your armour/money etc. is all on your RS2 character, and you (currently) have no items on RS1. We can't just copy the items because it causes big problems with the economy if we do. However we will shortly be introducing a temporary webpage that lets you move items between the two games, so if you want to keep playing RS1 you will be able to move some or all of your items back. There will be a further news post explaining this in detail when it is ready. The only thing you need to bear in mind right now is that your items have NOT been duplicated. You only have one of each, so don't go throwing away items in RS2 that you might later want in RS1.
RS2 has been renamed to 'RuneScape'. This is to reflect that it is now the main RuneScape game. It is this main game which affects your hiscore, and this is where further updates and improvements will be focused. To play just press 'Play game' at the top of the main webpage.
RS1 has been renamed to RS-Classic and moved to it's own separate section. This will be brought back online later today if everything goes to plan. This is being kept as a bit of history so people can see what the game used to look like, and for players who prefer a simpler non-changing game. Take a look at the RS-Classic pages for more details.
Apart from that we hope you enjoy the new improved game! It's taken an incredible effort from everyone here to get it to this point, and we hope you enjoy playing it as much as we've enjoyed creating it
The Jagex Team