Venom is a detriment and stronger form of poison that players and monsters suffer after they are successfully envenomed. Zulrah and its snakelings, as well as Vorkath and the spiders in the Ungael laboratory are the only monsters able to inflict venom, whilst players are able to inflict venom upon an enemy by using certain weaponry.
When a player or monster is envenomed, a number appears with a dark green hitsplat () instead of a bright green one (which indicates poison), indicating the amount of damage the venom has dealt. Venom damage increases over time, increasing by a value of two for every time it strikes.
Damage starts at one hit of 6 per 18 seconds and increases by 2 each time it hits, capping at 20 damage per hit.
Curing venom[]
Drinking a dose of any strength of antipoison will convert the venom to regular poison, which starts at 6 damage. To fully cure it, players can drink another dose of antipoison. One dose of anti-venom will also completely cure venom and provide immunity for a minute. Anti-venom+ provides immunity to venom for three minutes.
Like with poison, clicking the hitpoints orb will automatically cure or reduce venom if the player has anything to counter it.
Alternatively, a player may use a prayer book from The Great Brain Robbery in order to convert the venom affliction into poison. However, this will cost 50 prayer points.
The Serpentine helm while worn provides full immunity to becoming envenomed and poisoned.
Weaponry that can inflict venom[]
Each weapon has a 1 in 4 chance (25%) to envenom the opponent for every successful attack.
List of monsters immune to venom but susceptible to poison[]
The list below displays monsters that are immune to venom, in which venomous weapons will inflict regular poison instead:
- Chaos Elemental
- Dagannoth Prime
- Dagannoth Rex
- Dagannoth Supreme
- Demonic gorilla
- Giant Mole
- Kalphite Queen
- Kraken
- Obor
- TzTok-Jad
- Vet'ion
List of monsters immune to venom and poison[]
The list below displays monsters that are immune to both venom AND poison:
- Abyssal Sire
- Brutal dragons
- Cerberus
- Commander Zilyana
- Corporeal Beast
- General Graardor
- Glough
- Juvinate
- K'ril Tsutsaroth
- Keef
- Kob
- Kree'arra
- Kruk
- Mithril dragons (with the exception to be poisoned via Smoke spells)
- Lizardman
- Lizardman brute
- Lizardman shaman
- Great Olm
- Scion
- Snakeling
- Spawn
- Smoke devil
- Thermonuclear smoke devil
- Callisto
- Venenatis
- Vorkath
- Zulrah
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