Wallasalkis can be found throughout the Waterbirth Island Dungeon. They attack with powerful Magic and their projectile resembles Water Wave.
Their magic attack can hit into the high 20s, so Protect from Magic is highly recommended when fighting them. They may start to run away from the attacking player, similar to giant rock crabs, after being damaged to below half health.
A good spot to kill them is at the narrow pathway just before the barricades at the central room in sublevel 1. After they develop their tolerance toward a player he or she may kill as many as desired and use the narrow pathway and other nearby wall structures to trap themselves from moving out of the tolerance area.
Wallasalkis drops include the raw materials required for skeletal armour. They also drop various runes, similar to most magical monsters.
Wallasalki can be good experience for high level ranged training. They have high hitpoints and low ranged defence. If training, it is advised to bring prayer potions for Protect from Magic. If you are using prayer, try to find a good armour setup so that you have high melee attack bonus, and a high prayer bonus, but be especially careful of your health since large amounts of Wallasalkis will be attacking you at once. If using melee it is advised to use a two-handed slashing weapon such as a godsword. It should be noted that good xp rates are only obtained while they are aggressive.
This is a great (and one of the few) ways to use a cannon for experience and to reduce its operating cost at the same time. Try to bring a friend to train with you, since you need a partner to open the gate (unless using a pet rock + rune thrownaxe). Two people training while splitting the drops will actually get you more money per hour than by yourself, and this is even more true when both players place a cannon at or near the same location.
The best place to use a dwarf multicannon would be right after using the ladder to go down from level 1. There are only 3 Wallasalkis here, and they are usually not targeted. No other monsters will interrupt your training.
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Bones 1 Always 89
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Fire rune Unknown Unknown 5 Law rune Unknown Unknown 166 Air rune 1–6 Common 5–30 Mind rune 1–9 Common 3–27 Water rune 1–10 Common 4–40 Earth rune 4–9 Common 16–36 Chaos rune 1–10 Common 89–890 Cosmic rune Unknown Common 143 Nature rune Unknown Common 217 Death rune 1–10 Common 203–2,030 Blood rune 2–5 Uncommon 734–1,835 Air talisman 1 Uncommon 92 Mind talisman 1 Uncommon 3,875 Water talisman 1 Uncommon 171 Earth talisman 1 Uncommon 310 Fire talisman 1 Uncommon 4,924 Cosmic talisman 1 Uncommon 784 Nature talisman 1 Uncommon 744
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Guam seed 1 Common 9 Marrentill seed 1 Common 5 Tarromin seed 1 Common 10 Harralander seed 1 Common 31 Toadflax seed 1 Uncommon 795 Ranarr seed 1 Uncommon 45,466 Irit seed 1 Uncommon 47 Avantoe seed 1 Uncommon 1,675 Grimy guam leaf 1 Uncommon 15 Grimy marrentill 1 Uncommon 13 Grimy tarromin 1 Uncommon 132 Grimy harralander 1 Uncommon 674 Grimy ranarr weed 1 Rare 7,640 Grimy irit leaf 1 Rare 775 Grimy avantoe 1 Rare 1,814 Grimy kwuarm 1 Rare 1,165 Grimy cadantine 1 Rare 1,312 Grimy lantadyme 1 Rare 1,391 Grimy dwarf weed 1 Rare 448 Kwuarm seed 1 Rare 379 Snapdragon seed 1 Rare 54,551 Cadantine seed 1 Rare 1,034 Lantadyme seed 1 Rare 2,358 Dwarf weed seed 1 Rare 423 Torstol seed 1 Very rare 58,385
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Pure essence 9 (noted) Common 18 Steel arrow 1–10 Common 32–320 Fibula piece 1 Uncommon (1/64) 16,356 Ribcage piece 1 Uncommon (1/64) 32,863 Skull piece 1 Uncommon (1/64) 30,150 Skeletal gloves 1 Uncommon 91,732 Skeletal boots 1 Uncommon 40,207 Raw mackerel 1–2 Uncommon 55–110 Coins 5–489 Rare Not sold Raw tuna 1 Rare 48 Clue scroll (medium) 1 Rare Not sold
Rare drop table
In addition to the drops above, this monster also has access to the rare drop table.
Show/hide rare drop table Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 3,000 Common Not sold Loop half of key 1 Common 10,307 Tooth half of key 1 Common 10,840 Chaos talisman 1 Common 505 Uncut sapphire 1 Common 455 Uncut emerald 1 Uncommon 679 Uncut ruby 1 Uncommon 1,249 Nature talisman 1 Uncommon 744 Steel arrow 150 Uncommon 4,800 Rune arrow 42 Uncommon 2,940 Rune javelin 5 Uncommon 875 Adamant javelin 20 Uncommon 1,220 Runite bar 1 Uncommon 12,368 Nature rune 67 Uncommon 14,539 Law rune 45 Uncommon 7,470 Death rune 45 Uncommon 9,135 Rune battleaxe 1 Uncommon 24,487 Rune 2h sword 1 Uncommon 37,758 Rune sq shield 1 Uncommon 22,459 Silver ore 100 (noted) Uncommon 7,000 Dragonstone 1 Uncommon 11,932 Uncut diamond 1 Rare 2,627 Dragon med helm 1 Rare 58,488 Rune kiteshield 1 Rare 32,015 Rune spear 1 Rare 11,933 Shield left half 1 Rare 65,697 Dragon spear 1 Rare 37,226