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Old School RuneScape Wiki

Zulrah is a level 725 solo boss. The only way to get out of Zulrah's shrine is through victory, death, logout or teleportation.

Note: Should you die in the fight with Zulrah, Priestess Zul-Gwenwynig will hold all of your items that were not protected upon death, making the fight extremely safe. However, if you die anywhere a second time without returning to her to reclaim your items, all items she was holding from your first death will be lost.

General strategy[]

When fighting Zulrah's serpentine form (green), he will only attack with Ranged, so use Protect from Missiles. When facing his tanzanite form (blue), use Protect from Magic; while this form can also attack with Ranged, he will usually use Magic instead. Zulrah's magma form (red) attacks with special Melee, which can be avoided, so you do not need to use Protect from Melee.

The form Zulrah switches to after the first (green) form will decide his behaviour for the rest of the kill. The legacy behaviour most will be familiar with (pre-update) is the following: Zulrah will switch to the red Melee, and then the turquoise Magic, and retain his original fighting style. Zulrah can now also switch to the green Ranged or turquoise Magic form immediately after his beginning form, indicating he will use the post-update techniques.

If Zulrah's second form is green, Zulrah will spawn an additional cloud of smoke to the east during his Melee form (red), thus making no safespots whatsoever on the east side of the island. The player should make their way to the west side of the island where one location will not have smoke. In addition, Zulrah will also use Melee attacks after spawning the smoke clouds. This form seems to force the player east and west constantly.

If Zulrah's second form is blue, Zulrah will often spawn clouds in a form, and then proceed to attack (instead of the other way around). In this fight, you will also notice a green Zulrah will spawn east and alternate attacks, and the green Zulrah to the west will use strictly Ranged (this is opposite to how Zulrah fights during the legacy style).


Throughout the fight, Zulrah will continually dive into the swamp, sending out a plethora of attacks before doing so. He will then emerge in a different area of the shrine in a different form and resume his attacks.

Even though Zulrah has no Melee Defence on any form, Melee is discouraged as he has a melee damage reduction, and halberds are the only weapons that can reach him. He can summon snakelings and/or throw toxic fumes in any form. 

Note: Zulrah will attack for a set amount of time before diving back into the swamp and reappearing in another area, in a different combat style.

Pet snakeling chathead
  • The fight will always begin with the player in front of Zulrah in his green form, and start the battle in the north. Zulrah attacks with Ranged only, with the few exceptions such as one phase in the second rotation (attacking randomly) and at/near the end of every phase where he will attack with both Ranged and Magic in a set pattern. While in this form, Zulrah is weak against magical attacks.
Pet snakeling (tanzanite) chathead
  • Zulrah will randomly attack with both Magic and Ranged, although he seems to favour magical attacks more often. While in this form, Zulrah gains increased magic resistance but is weaker to ranged attacks.
Pet snakeling (magma) chathead
  • During the magma form, Zulrah will stare at the player's position for several seconds before whipping his tail at that area. If the player does not move away from the targeted area in time, they will be dealt with up to 30 damage and be stunned for several seconds. While in this form, Zulrah gains increased magic and ranged resistance. However, he is still weak to magic attacks.


Snakelings are monsters that Zulrah will summon during the fight via white orbs. Despite their moderately high combat level of 90, they only have 1 Hitpoint. However, they should not be underestimated as they are very accurate, can hit up to 15 relatively often, and envenom the player. Snakelings attack with both Magic and Melee. Player can use Protection prayers to block all damage from snakelings. It is highly recommended to bring a ring of recoil or suffering (with ring of recoil charges on it) to kill off the Snakelings.

While Snakelings spawn immediately, Zulrah will occasionally throw a white orb and then dive into the swamp. The summoned snakeling will not appear until Zulrah reemerges from the swamp.

If you are hiding from Zulrah and he throws toxic fumes/summons additional snakelings, it is best to kill them off so you will save some food in the process.


Ideally, the best set-up entails using both Ranged and Magic. A Magic or Range only based method is possible, although it will significantly decrease your kills per hour. Beginners may find it easier to bring fewer Magic/Ranged switches until they are comfortable with Zulrah's mechanics and phases. Zulrah is only weak to Ranged while in tanzanite (blue) form; therefore, it is best to opt for a Magic-based approach.

Due to Zulrah's high Magic level, a Twisted Bow is very effective against it, and can completely negate the need for a Magic switch, allowing for much more inventory space and possibly more kills per trip.

A Serpentine helm is very useful for its immunity to Venom, despite it having negative Magic and Ranged bonuses. It prevents the need for Anti-venom+ potions, therefore freeing up an inventory slot, but overtime it's less cost efficient than the potions, considering it needs to be charged with Zulrah's scales. It's recommended for beginners to wear the Serpentine helm until they are able to kill Zulrah consistently, but should be swapped out overtime for something better.

For banking and teleportation, there are several ways to do so:

Suggested skills[]


Recommended equipment for Magic & Ranged
Slot Item (most effective → least effective)
Head Ancestral hat Ancestral hat Farseer helm Farseer helm Infinity hat Infinity hat Void mage helm Void mage helm[1] N/A
Neck Occult necklace Occult necklace Amulet of fury Amulet of fury Amulet of glory Amulet of glory N/A N/A
Back God capes Imbued god cape / Ava's assembler Ava's assembler Fire cape Fire cape Capes of accomplishments (trimmed) Cape of Accomplishment Capes of accomplishments Cape of Accomplishment Obsidian cape Obsidian cape
Body Ancestral robe top Ancestral robe top Ahrim's robetop Ahrim's robetop Infinity top Infinity top Elite void top Elite void top [1] Void knight top Void knight top [1]
Legs Ancestral robe bottom Ancestral robe bottom Ahrim's robeskirt Ahrim's robeskirt Infinity bottoms Infinity bottoms Elite void robe Elite void robe [1] Void knight robe Void knight robe [1]
Weapo Sanguinesti staff Sanguinesti staff Trident of the swamp Trident of the swamp / Trident of the seas Trident of the seas Iban's staff Iban's staff N/A N/A
Shield Arcane spirit shield Arcane spirit shield Mage's book Mage's book Malediction ward Malediction ward Book of darkness Book of darkness N/A
Ammo/Spell Holy blessing Any god blessing Diamond bolts (e) Diamond bolts (e) Broad bolts Broad bolts Adamant bolts Adamant bolts N/A
Gloves Tormented bracelet Tormented bracelet / Barrows gloves Barrows gloves Combat bracelet Combat bracelet Void knight gloves Void knight gloves [1] N/A N/A
Feet Eternal boots Eternal boots Infinity boots Infinity boots Wizard boots Wizard boots Mystic boots (blue) Mystic boots (any color) N/A
Ring Ring of suffering (i) Ring of suffering (i) Ring of recoil Ring of recoil N/A N/A N/A
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Only use with the full set of Void knight armour


Toxic blowpipe Armadyl chestplate Armadyl chainskirt Necklace of anguish
Ava's assembler Armadyl helmet Barrows gloves Pegasian boots
Shark Cooked karambwan Shark Ranging potion(4)
Shark Cooked karambwan Shark Anti-venom+(4)
Shark Cooked karambwan Shark Prayer potion(4)
Shark Cooked karambwan Shark Shark
Zul-andra teleport Imbued heart Ring of dueling Rune pouch


Note that all the listed Ranged switches can be substituted out for cheaper items, such as Blessed dragonhide armour.


Void ranger helm Toxic blowpipe Ranging potion(4) Magic potion(4)
Ava's assembler Pegasian boots Anti-venom+(4) Prayer potion(4)
Necklace of anguish Imbued heart Cooked karambwan Cooked karambwan
Cooked karambwan Cooked karambwan Manta ray Manta ray
Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray
Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray
Manta ray Zul-andra teleport Rune pouch Ring of dueling


Recommended equipment for Ranged
Slot Item (most effective → least effective)
Head Armadyl helmet Armadyl helmet Robin hood hat Robin hood hat Armadyl coif Blessed coif N/A N/A
Neck Necklace of anguish Necklace of anguish Amulet of fury Amulet of fury Amulet of glory Amulet of glory N/A N/A
Back Ava's assembler Ava's assembler Ava's accumulator Ava's accumulator Ranging cape Ranging cape N/A N/A
Body Armadyl chestplate Armadyl chestplate Armadyl d'hide Blessed body Karil's leathertop Karil's leathertop Black d'hide body Black d'hide body N/A
Legs Armadyl chainskirt Armadyl chainskirt Armadyl chaps Blessed chaps Karil's leatherskirt Karil's leatherskirt Black d'hide chaps Black d'hide chaps N/A
Weapo Twisted bow Twisted bow N/A N/A N/A N/A
Ammo/Spell Dragon arrows Dragon arrows Amethyst arrows Amethyst arrows Rune arrows Rune arrows N/A N/A
Gloves Barrows gloves Barrows gloves Dragon gloves Dragon gloves Armadyl bracers Blessed vambraces Black d'hide vamb Black d'hide vamb N/A
Feet Pegasian boots Pegasian boots Ranger boots Ranger boots Armadyl d'hide boots Blessed boots Snakeskin boots Snakeskin boots N/A
Ring Ring of suffering (i) Ring of suffering (i) Ring of recoil Ring of recoil N/A N/A N/A

Toxic blowpipe Prayer potion(4) Anti-venom(4) Ranging potion(4)
Cooked karambwan Cooked karambwan Cooked karambwan Cooked karambwan
Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray
Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray
Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray
Manta ray Manta ray Manta ray Ring of dueling
Zul-andra teleport Rune pouch


Fight overview[]

Each column in the image corresponds to one of Zulrah's patterns, and each row indicates a step in its particular pattern. The red, green, and blue circles indicate Zulrah's form and position in each step.

Always use Protect from Missiles (serpentine) or Protect from Magic (tanzanite) when fighting Zulrah, as his attacks are very accurate and often hit very hard. They are capable of hitting high in the 40s and with the high damage of the snakelings, can easily combo a player in seconds. The only exception for Zulrah's serpentine form is his "Jad" Form, where you will need to alternate between Protect from Missiles and Protect from Magic after every attack he performs.

At the start of the fight, Zulrah will pick one of the four patterns (see picture). It takes him about three minutes to complete each pattern. When he finishes the pattern, he will then pick another pattern; this may be the same as the first pattern he used in the battle.

Zulrah Patterns

A list of possible patterns in which Zulrah will emerge and release venom clouds.

All patterns[]

At the start of the fight, Zulrah is always in his serpentine form in the middle of the shrine. He will never attack directly at the start; rather, he will fill the area with venom clouds, leaving the tips on the east and west sides clear. After filling up the area with venom clouds, he dives into the swamp and starts one of the four patterns.

Zulrah - Melee safe spot

The safespot to evade Zulrah's melee form is in the square highlighted in yellow. The other safe-spot is in the equivalent space beside the other pillar.

If Zulrah finishes the pattern he was using, he will return to this step again. However, he will attack the player with ranged for several attacks before filling the area with venom clouds.

Shared patterns[]

Patterns 1 & 2[]

After filling the shrine with venom clouds, Zulrah dives back into the swamp and reappears in the same spot in his magma form. He will use two melee attacks before diving back down, appearing at the same spot in his tanzanite form.

When he performs enough attacks in his tanzanite form, Zulrah dives back into the swamp and the patterns separate until the second-to-last step in the pattern.

In this second-to-last step, Zulrah appears to the west in his serpentine form, attacking in a set pattern. He will start with a ranged attack, then follow up with a magic attack. At the end of this step, Zulrah fills the shrine with venom clouds, leaving the tips on both sides clear of them.

At the final step of these patterns, Zulrah appears in the middle in his magma form and uses two melee attacks before returning to the start of his attack pattern.

Patterns 3 & 4[]

In these patterns, Zulrah's initial steps are different, though the last three steps are similar to each other.

In Pattern 3, right before the second-to-last step, Zulrah will send out snakelings; in Pattern 4, he does not do this. Regardless, the mechanics are still the same in that step.

In this second-to-last step, Zulrah appears to the east in his serpentine form, attacking in a set pattern again. This time, he starts off with magic first, before following up with a ranged attack. Zulrah does not send out venom clouds at the end of this step and simply dives back into the swamp when he finishes.

At the final step of these patterns, Zulrah appears in the middle in his tanzanite form, summoning four snakelings (two on each side) before returning to the start of his attack pattern.

Pattern overview[]

Pattern 1[]

  • Step 1: Zulrah appears in the middle in his magma form, attacking twice with Melee.

Pattern 2[]

  • Step 1: Zulrah appears in the middle in his magma form, attacking twice with Melee.
  • Step 2: Zulrah reappears in the same spot, this time in his tanzanite form.
  • Step 3: Zulrah appears to the west in his serpentine form, spewing out venom fumes to the east, before summoning several snakelings.
  • Step 4a (Optional) - with the 15 October 2015 update, Zulrah may appear to the east in his serpentine form, attacking randomly with Ranged and Magic, much like his tanzanite form. This does not happen most of the time; though it is very easy to hide from this form if needed. Zulrah returns to his normal attack pattern (next step below) after this step.
  • Step 4b (original) - Zulrah appears to the south in his tanzanite form. Before the end of this step, he will spew venom fumes to the east and south, and summon a few snakelings.
  • Step 5 - Zulrah appears in the middle in his magma form, attacking twice with Melee.
  • Step 6 - Zulrah appears to the east in his serpentine form.
  • Step 7 - Zulrah appears to the south in his tanzanite form. At the end of this step, he will spew venom fumes covering the south and east, and summon a few snakelings.
  • Step 8 - Zulrah appears to the west in his serpentine form, attacking first with Ranged before following up with Magic. He will repeat this several times. When he is finished, he will spew venom fumes covering the whole shrine, leaving the tips on the east and west clear of them.
  • Step 9 - Zulrah appears in the middle in his magma form, attacking twice with Melee. You should be on the tip to the west, and dodge the first attack by running into the venom clouds. Stay in the venom clouds until Zulrah turns position; if you run back to the tip too fast, Zulrah will retarget that spot, and you will have to tank a bit more from the clouds.

Pattern 3[]

  • Step 1: Zulrah appears in his serpentine form to the east, immediately attacking with Ranged. At the end of this step, he will summon several snakelings before diving back into the swamp.
  • Step 2: Zulrah appears in the middle in his magma form, spewing out venom fumes at the north-east, south-east and western parts of the shrine. He will then summon several snakelings before attacking twice with Melee.
  • Step 3: Zulrah appears to the west in his tanzanite form.
  • Step 4: Zulrah appears to the south in his ranged form.
  • Step 5: Zulrah appears to the east in his tanzanite form.
  • Step 6: Zulrah appears in the middle in his serpentine form. He will launch venom fumes covering the eastern and southern areas of the shrine. When he finishes with that, he will summon several snakelings.
  • Step 7: Zulrah appears to the west in his serpentine form.
  • Step 8: Zulrah appears in the middle in his tanzanite form, attacking normally. At the end of this step, he covers the west side in venom fumes and summons snakelings.
  • Step 9: Zulrah appears in the east in his serpentine form, attacking with Magic first before following up with Ranged. He will repeat this several times.
  • Step 10: Zulrah appears in the middle in his tanzanite form, summoning 4 snakelings.

Pattern 4[]

  • Step 1: Zulrah appears in his tanzanite form to the east, summoning several snakelings before attacking normally.
  • Step 2: Zulrah appears to the south in his serpentine form.
  • Step 3: Zulrah appears to the west in his tanzanite form.
  • Step 4: Zulrah appears in the middle in his magma form.
  • Step 5: Zulrah appears to the east in his serpentine form, spewing the west and south side of the shrine with venom fumes.
  • Step 6: Zulrah appears to the south, attacking normally. At the end of this step he will summon several snakelings, and cover the south and east sides of the shrine in venom clouds. Stay in the east until he starts sending out venom fumes; at this point, make your way to the west side.
  • Step 7: Zulrah appears to the west in his tanzanite form.
  • Step 8: Zulrah appears in the middle in his serpentine form for a brief time.
  • Step 9: Zulrah stays in the same place, this time in his tanzanite form. He will spew out venom clouds covering the west and southern areas in venom fumes. No snakelings are summoned in this step.
  • Step 10: Zulrah appears to the east in his serpentine form, attacking with Magic first before following up with Ranged. He will repeat this several times.
  • Step 11: Zulrah appears in the middle in his tanzanite form, summoning 4 snakelings.